Chapter 29

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TIM POV: "Dylan.." "yeah" "Are you alright with us adopting you?" he smiled "yes!" We both smiled. "Well I'm glad. Because we want you with us forever!" "I want that also, well until i'm old enough to move out" we both laughed "but there's one little thing" "what is it?" "The judge, he wants to meet you. He wants to talk to you about all this" "oh" "Honey it's alright. Don't be afraid. We will be there, but we may not be able to be in the same room" "I don't understand" "you see whenever a parent or parents want to adopt a child, the judge wants to meet with that child. To talk to them. To ask how they feel" Faith said. "Oh okay. But I don't want to be alone" "We will be right there with you. But like I said, we may have to wait outside the room. But you remember Jeff right?" "yeah the lawyer?" "yes that's him. He will be with you in the room if we can't. Is that alright?" "yeah I guess so" I smiled "But you don't have anything to worry about. You will be fine. Just tell the judge the truth" "okay" "we love you bud" he smiled and hugged us "love you too. Can I ask you both something?" "sure what is it?" "can I..I call you mom and dad?" I can see Faith's eyes build up with tears and she smiled "of course you can. You can call us anything you want. Whether it be Tim and Faith or mom and dad. But that's your decision alright?" Faith said "okay" We then came out of the office. Dylan went upstairs. "Hey is everything alright?" My mom asked "yeah. We just had to talk to him" "about?" "the adoption and the judge wants to talk to him" "oh I had no idea!" "yeah!" "do you both need anything?" "No we are good, thank you so much for watching Audrey" "oh it's no problem. Do you need me tomorrow?" "yes please if you can mom" "Absolutely, whatever you need. Both of you" "thanks!" my mom then left. "Tim I just realized something" "What?" "I never told Dylan my story" "adoption?" "yeah maybe it will help him feel better about the whole situation" "I think he's fine" "still though.." she said and went upstairs.

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