Chapter 18

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FAITH POV: "mommy why we buying boy stuff?" "Well it's for Dylan. You see mommy and daddy put a room together for him" "oh is he going to be our new brother?" "I don't know yet Gracie. But if he was, would that be okay with you?" "yes. I like Dylan" I smiled Then turned to Maggie "Maggie, what do you think?" "I like him too mommy" I smiled.  Tim texted me saying, they were done. I told him where to meet us. Shortly after they were here. "Hey baby" "hey, so I see you found some things" "yes we did" Dylan was holding Tim's hand so tight. I walked over and whispered to him "is he alright" He nodded yes.  "So what do you all want to eat?" "hamburger" Maggie said "pizza" Gracie said.. "Dylan what about you?" He shrugged his shoulders. Tim turned to him. "Dylan, it's alright. You can tell us what you want" "It don't matter" he said "how about we just go to the food court and this way, they can get whatever they want" "sounds good, let's go"  We then went to the food court in the mall and all sat. We each took the kids to whatever they wanted. Then all met back up at the table and ate.  After dinner we went back to the house. I got Audrey to sleep. Once she was down. Tim had put all his new things in his new room. I just hope he likes it.  We then went to show Dylan his surprise. "Okay Dylan, we have a surprise for you" "really?" "yes come with us"  Gracie and Maggie wanted to come also, so we let them. "I'll open it!" Gracie said "okay go on" she opened the door and we all walked in.  Dylan walked in and looked around.  He then turned around, I could see tears in his eyes streaming down his face. I walked over "honey you alright?" "yes, I just never had something like this before" I wanted to cry! "So does this mean I'm staying?" I turned to Tim. He came over and kneeled down to him. "Remember we talked about this earlier" "yeah" "look right now you are staying and we are doing everything we can to make sure that continues" "I don't want to ever leave" he said and hugged me and then Tim. "come on it's getting late" "okay" We got him settled and then tucked in Gracie and Maggie.  I don't know what I'm going to do, if Dylan gets taken away.

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