Chapter 17

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TIM POV: Hearing Dylan say he didn't want to be taken away. I had to look away. I saw Faith's face and she was about to cry. "Please tell me I don't have to go away" he said "we are doing what we can alright? For now you are staying here" she then looked at us. "I just want to thank you both for cooperation in this matter" "you're welcome. Whatever we can do to make sure this little boy is safe" She smiled and left. Dylan then turned to us. "I. I don't want to leave. What if she makes me leave?" "oh honey, you aren't going anywhere. Tim and I are doing everything we can to make sure of that" "That's right buddy" He smiled He then walked upstairs. "Tim I don't know how much more of this I can take" "I know baby, but we have to think positive" "yeah I'm trying" "Well maybe what Dylan said to Linda helped" "yeah" "Listen they are coming down, let's just go shopping with the kids and go to dinner" "I don't know Tim.." "mommy" "yes baby" "Where we going?" "We are going shopping and then to dinner" "yay!" Dylan was being very quiet. We left to go shopping. "How about I take the girls and you can take Dylan" "NOOOOO!" he yelled "hey what's wrong?" I asked kneeling down to him. He then ran into my arms and wouldn't let go. I looked at Faith "why don't you take him?" "you sure?" "yeah" Faith then took all three girls. "Come on" I said and took his hand. We walked around. "If you see anything you like, tell me" "okay, Tim can I ask you something?" "sure what is it?" "Why did that lady ask me all those questions?" "Well, it's her job. You see, since me and Faith are your foster parents, it's her job to come visit and make sure everything is alright and that you are safe and happy" "I am happy. I don't want to leave, but I'm scared she's going to take me away" We sat down on this little bench. "Dylan, I don't want you to worry about any of this. Faith and I doing everything we can to make sure you don't have to go anywhere and that you are safe alright?" "Okay" " come on let's go shopping" "but one more thing, you can't scream in the stores" "okay, i'm sorry about what I did earlier" "it's alright" We then went to some clothing stores. He found some cute clothes he wanted along with some toys and video games. We got him a game system for his room. "Tim where am I going to put all this stuff?" he asked I don't want to ruin the surprise. "We will find a place don't you worry" he smiled "so is there anything else you want?" "no not really" " you hungry?" "Yes" I smiled "how about we go find Faith and the girls and get dinner" "okay"

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