Chapter 14

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TIM POV: I know Faith is worried about the social worker, I am also but I know these things can take some time. I walked in my office to call our lawyer Jeff. "hello" "hey Jeff it's Tim" "oh hey Tim, I was just going to call you" "Oh yeah? So have you found out anything?" "yes I did" "And?" "Tim, maybe I should tell you and Faith in person. I can be over there in 15 minutes" "okay" i said confused "can't you tell me now?" "I'll be over soon" he said and hung up. I wish knew what is going on and why he couldn't tell me over the phone. I walked upstairs and Faith was just walking out of Audrey's room with her. "Did you find out anything?" "no, but Jeff is on his way over here" "now? Why?" "I honestly don't know" "this can't be good Tim! If it was good, he would've told you on the phone! We are going to lose him" she said and started crying. I walked up to her and hugged her. "We aren't going to lose him" "We don't know that" "ma ma" Faith looked over at Audrey and smiled. "See even our little girl here knows" she smiled "Okay let's go downstairs and wait" "okay" We went downstairs and Faith put Audrey down to play with her toys. Shortly after there was a knock at the door. Faith jumped "it's going to be alright!" i said and got up and opened the door "hey Jeff, come on in" "thanks. I'm sorry to do this in person but I thought it was best" "Alright come in the living room" He followed me in and Faith stood up "hello Faith, good to see you again" "you too! So what's going on?" she asked "There's a problem" he said Faith and I looked at each other "what is it?" "We think there may be some family members to Dylan that the department of children services is looking into" "wait, so they want him?" "no, well we don't know. We don't even know if they know about him" "so then why would they want to take him away from us?" "I'm sorry, I don't know. Like I said they are looking into it. We don't know for sure what's going to happen" The phone then rang. I went to answer it "Hello" "Hello is this Mr McGraw?" "yes this is Tim, who is this?" "This is Linda the social worker" I looked at Faith. This is it. We are going to lose this little boy we have grown to love in a short amount of time we have known him. This is going to devastate Faith!

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