Chapter 27

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FAITH POV: Hearing Dylan ask us that broke my heart. "Of course we do. Why would you ask us that?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Because I hear you tell Grace, Maggie and Audrey that you love them, but not me" "I'm sorry. I think because we don't want to overwhelm you" "that's right. We do love you like you were our own son" "really?" "yes really" He smiled and hugged us. "Come on let's get you to bed" "okay" We got him all tucked in. "Tim, Faith.. I love you too" I can feel the tears in my eyes. I walked over and hugged him and kissed his forehead "goodnight" Tim did the same "goodnight bud" he then smiled. We walked out and went to our bedroom. I sat on the bed. "You alright?" "yeah it's just hearing him ask us that?" "yeah I know. I've been a little nervous to tell him that I loved him" "yeah me too. I think now that was a mistake" "me too, but he knows we love him" "yeah I guess" I started to get up. "Faith.." I just broke down. "Come here" He said and held me in his arms as I cried in his chest. I looked up at him smiled. He then leaned in and kissed me. We continued to kiss. He laid me gently on the bed. We continued to kiss as we took off our clothes piece by piece. We were soon under the covers making love. It was the perfect end to this day. Just lying here in Tim's arms. I looked up at him and smiled "I love you" "I love you too" he kissed the top of my head.

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