Chapter 39

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TIM POV: It's been a few days now since we officially adopted Dylan. We couldn't be happier and the girls are loving having him as their brother. I am also. We haven't heard from Kristine's so called mother since that day. I had a private investigator take a look into it. I need answers just in case. Faith has been a little nervous about it. But Dylan is our son! If she is alive and well, she can't take him away from us. We are his parents. I was at rehearsals for my tour coming up in a couple of months when my phone rang. "Hello" "is this Tim?" "yes it is. Who is this?" "I'm surprised you don't remember me. I'm Debbie, Kristine's mom" "No you're not! Kristine told me you died" "it doesn't surprise me. I haven't seen her or spoken to her since y'all were dating. You see we had a falling out. She blames me for everything wrong in her life up until the day she died. I have tried many times over the years to get in touch with her but she wouldn't take my calls" "so why are you calling me?" "I'd like to meet up with you" "I don't think that's a good idea" "Look I just want to talk to you please?" "fine, I can meet you at the starbucks in Franklin in 15 minutes" "sounds good, bye" "bye" I then left rehearsals a little early. I didn't tell Faith, I don't want to worry her until I know this woman is who she says she is. I pulled in and got out and went inside. I ordered a coffee and sat down. Then I saw this older woman walk inside. She walked closer. I knew right away, I stood up. "Tim.." "Debbie, so you aren't dead" "No I'm not. I told you that" "i'm sorry, just never know these days. So why did you want to meet me?" "for my grandson. I know you and your wife have him" "and where the hell have you been the past seven years?" "I didn't know about him" "and all of a sudden you do?" I said and got up. "Tim.. I just want to see him" "No this is over!" I said and left. I just hope she doesn't try anything.

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