Chapter 31

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FAITH POV: Tim and I dropped off Gracie and Maggie at school and then drove to the courthouse. Betty is with Audrey again. We dropped her off at her house. She had some errands to run and is taking her with her. We arrive and meet up with Jeff. "Hi Jeff" "Tim, Faith.. Hello Dylan. Nice to see you again" he shook his hand. He smiled I can see he was nervous. "Dylan, it's going to be alright. Just be honest. You have nothing to worry about" "Okay" We walk in the courthouse and are taken back to the judge's chambers. "So can we go in with him?" "No, he wants to meet with him alone" "oh but can you?" "Yes, I arranged for that, but I have to stand back and not talk unless I feel I don't like what he's asking" "oh okay" I leaned down to Dylan. "Dylan, Tim and I can't go in with you, but we will be right outside this door alright?" "okay" "yeah you are going to be fine. Jeff will be in there with you" Tim said "okay" The door opened "okay you can come in now" the judge said as Jeff and Dylan walked in. I took a seat on the bench across from the room. Tim sat by me and held my hand. I'm so nervous. "I wish we can be in there with him" "I know, me too. But we couldn't. Jeff is in there, he will be fine" "I know. I just worry" "I know..It will be alright. We have to believe that" "yeah" The minutes went by. Then kept watching the clock as each passing minute. I got up and paced and then sat back down. I looked at the time. A half hour went by. Then finally the door opened. Out walked Jeff and Dylan. "So how did it go?" "it went well" "can we go home?" Dylan asked We were going to take him to school after this. "Do you not want to go to school?" "do I have to?" "Well.." I turned to Tim. "What do you think?" "I think he needs to go to school" "yeah, let's just go home and we will see alright?" "okay" The ride home was quiet. I really want to know what the judge asked him

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