Chapter 16

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FAITH POV: Tim could tell how nervous I was, he sat next to me and held my hand. Dylan was sitting next to Tim and next to Linda. "So Dylan. How do you like it here?" he looked over at me and Tim "it's alright, you can talk to her. She's not going to hurt you" I said "I like it" she smiled. "How do you like school?" "it's good" I can see he was not wanting to talk much. He get's like that when he's scared. "Linda, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked. Tim looked at me "sure" she said and we got up and walked in the kitchen. "I'm sorry, it's just he get's scared when he's around strangers" "I understand that, but I'm just doing my job" "I know. I'm sorry" "it's alright. I can see how much you care about that little boy" "I do! My husband and I have grown to love him like he was one of our own" She smiled "I can see that. Now we need to get back out there" "okay" We went back in and sat down. "Everything alright?" Tim asked "yes" Linda then turned to Dylan. "Can you tell me where you lived before here?" "I.. I had no home" He said "do you have any family?" "no" he said and put his head down. I so wanted to just hug him tight and tell him it's all going to be okay,and tell Linda this is over, but I can't. Otherwise it may cost us Dylan. "So Dylan, I just need to find out what you have been up to, where you have been for the past couple of years" "I'm scared" "you have nothing to be scared of. Nothing is going to happen to you" I said. "That's right Dylan. You are safe okay?" "Okay" "now can you tell me?" "yes.. I found spots to sleep. I've had some friends who would hide me so I can sleep and they would bring me food to eat" I had no idea any of this. What this little boy has been through, no child should ever go through that. "Do you know what happened to your mommy and daddy?" "I know they died" "how did you find that out?" I was in my room hiding, when police came in. I heard them talking" "so the police were there?" "yes, but they didn't see me. I snuck out and ran to my friends house" "I see.. Okay Dylan, I think that's enough for today" "Dylan, why don't you go get Gracie and Maggie and tell them to come down" "okay.. But I have a question for Linda" that took me and Tim by surprise "okay what is it?" "Am I going to be taken away? I like it here. I don't want to leave" I wanted to cry!

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