Chapter 28

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FAITH POV: Today is our court date. I'm glad all the kids are in school. Tim's mom Betty is staying with Audrey.  We pulled into the courthouse and met up with our  lawyer Jeff. "you guys ready?" "yes!" "I know you're  both nervous, but just try to relax alright? I know it's easier said than done" "yeah it is" "just be yourselves. Answer truthfully. That's all you can do" "Okay" We got in and met with the judge. "So Mr and Mrs McGraw. I see you are wanting to adopt this little boy. Dylan?" "yes sir" "now you both have three other children?" "yes we do" "I see you're both great parents. I have some letters of recommendations that came in. I had time to read every one of them. I see no problems there. I also got the notes from the social worker, Linda"  I can feel my stomach turning. Tim grabbed my hand and held it.  "Now I don't see any problems there as well. She did say though, she did have a talk with Dylan?" "yes sir" "is he here today?" "no sir. He's at school. I didn't know we were supposed to bring him?" "it's alright. But I would like to meet with him" "oh okay" "it's procedure. I like to talk to the child in question. Since he is 6 years old, he is old enough to know certain things, like where he wants to live" "I understand" "okay so I will want to meet you both back with Dylan tomorrow morning" "sure we can do that" "Alright, so we are adjourned for today" he said and got up and left.  "Jeff, you didn't tell us we needed him here" "I honestly didn't know. They just said you two. This was a surprise to me" "it's fine. It's not your fault" "Look you both did great today, I will see you tomorrow" "okay thanks Jeff" we then left.  I was hoping this would be all over today. Tim and I just spent the rest of the day together. Before we knew it was time to pick up the kids from school. We arrived a few minutes early. Soon they were all out in the car. We got home. I told Gracie and Maggie to go upstairs to their rooms for couple of minutes, so we can talk to Dylan. "Mom do you mind staying a few more minutes?" "no not at all" "come in Dylan" Tim said and we went into his office. "Did I do something?" "No honey you didn't. But there's something we need to tell you" I looked at Tim. Then he took over. "Dylan, today Faith and I met with the judge" "Judge?" he asked confused "we want to adopt you" I couldn't tell if he was happy or not. "Is that alright with you?" I asked

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