Chapter 25

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TIM POV: Today is Audrey's 2nd birthday! We are having a small party at the house. Just close friends and family and of course some of Audrey's friends.  We had everything all set up. I helped Faith last night. We didn't want to wait till the last minute. So all is set. Faith spent hours cleaning yesterday.  Faith is getting the birthday girl ready.  While I help with the other three. Dylan seems to be adjusting better.  He likes it here and we like having him. I still cannot believe Kristine had a child and didn't even care enough about him with her and her husband doing drugs especially with him right there in the house. It just really makes me angry.  Soon our guests were arriving. Some have never met Dylan. I just hope all goes well.  It's been about an hour so into the party. I looked around and didn't see Dylan. I walked over to Faith "Baby..." "yeah" "have you seen Dylan?" "no not in a little while why?" "I don't know. I haven't see him. I'm just hoping he's alright" "I'm sure he's fine" "Well I'm going to go find him" "okay" That was weird. I thought Faith would be more concerned. I'm sure he's fine, but I'm worried about him. I looked all around the house. No sign of him.  "Faith... " "yeah" "Look I'm really worried" her smile faded "you still haven't seen him?" "No have you?" "no. I've been so preoccupied. I'm sorry" "it's alright. But we need to find him" "yeah I agree" "I'll go ask my mom to keep an eye out on the kids" "okay" "mom.." "yeah" "can you keep an eye out on the kids?" "yeah sure. Is everything alright?" "I don't know. We can't find Dylan" "Dylan? I saw him a little bit ago" "you did? Where?" "in the backyard" "okay thanks" I walked out there and there he was sitting by himself. I walked over "Hey bud you alright?"  "yeah" "why you out here alone?" "there's a lot of people I don't know" "Oh it's alright. They are all nice" "it's just the last time I was around a lot of people, it wasn't good" "Oh I see. Well I promise you, nothing is going to happen to you here. You are safe, I promise you that" "okay" We then went inside. He stayed by me most of the time but then finally warmed up and started to play with the other kids.

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