Chapter 44

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DEBBIE POV: If Tim and Faith think they are going to keep me away from my grandson, they have another thing coming! I will get him no matter what. I am so angry that Kristine kept me away from him, she didn't even tell me about him! I had to find out through the media. I didn't even think it was true until one of her friends, I contacted told me it was true. I walked in this little restaurant to get some dinner. As i was walking in, I noticed Tim, Faith and his family. I didn't see Dylan. I started to walk closer. I walked up to the table. I didn't see Dylan. "Where is he?" "None of your damn business" Faith said. "We will see. It seems like you are both about to be charged with child neglect" I said as I grabbed my phone. I could see Tim laughing "you think this is funny?" "You are crazy! You really think we would neglect him? Or any child for that matter? No that was your daughter!" he said "how dare you?" "mommy..." I heard a little girl say. She sounded scared "don't be scared honey" "Don't you dare talk to my daughter" Tim's wife, Faith said. "Mom.. dad..." I turned around to see a little boy. I smiled "you must be Dylan" "who are you?" "I'm.." "Dylan, here can you and Gracie go see if we can get some more bread for the table?" "sure" Then this other little girl who looks about Dylan's age left with him. "How dare you?" "how dare I? How dare you! BoTH Of you" "is there a problem?" A guy said "who are you?" "I'm the manager here and it seems like you are causing a disruption. I suggest you leave now before I call the police" I laughed "whatever" I said and left. This isn't over by a long shot! I tried to play nice. All I wanted was to be in my grandson's life. Now I will get him away from Tim and Faith if it's the last thing I do! I went home and got my home and plan ready! Soon my grandson will be with me! I smiled

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