Chapter 11

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FAITH POV: It's been a few weeks now since, Tim called our lawyer about Dylan. We haven't heard anything back and it worries me. I enrolled Dylan in school. So far he's adjusting well. Gracie has been a big help. I couldn't be more proud of her. I arrived home after dropping them all off at school. Tim stayed home with Audrey. I walked in and he was on the phone and holding Audrey. I went over and took Audrey from him. Once he was done, he came out in the living room. "Hey sorry about that" "no it's fine. So who was that?" "That was the social worker" "social worker?" "yes, it's standard policy for them to check on a child in foster care. He was transferred here so he's in the state of Tennessee system now" "oh I see" "don't worry. Everything will be fine" "We don't know that" "honey relax, the social worker was very nice. Her name is Linda and she's going to be coming over. Just to check out the house and meet us" "oh" "it's standard procedure" "oh okay. But shouldn't she wait till he's home from school?" "yeah I mentioned that. But she wants to meet with us alone first. Check out the house and all" "Okay" I said getting up. "Where are you going?" "Just to make sure everything is cleaned up" "baby the house looks fine" I went in the kitchen anyways and made sure everything was straightened up. Then the kids' playroom. All was cleaned up. Okay all looks good. I came back in the living room and Audrey was standing up against the couch holding on. She saw me and smiled. The doorbell rang. "I got it" Tim said and went to answer the door. I heard him say "come on in" He then walked in with a lady. I picked up Audrey. "Hi I'm Faith" "i'm Linda, the social worker. Now who is this beautiful little girl?" I smiled "This is Audrey, our youngest daughter" She said Hi to Audrey and she smiled. "oh she's so precious" "Thank you" "okay so as you both know, this is just standard procedure. I see you have a lovely home. I know who you both are" "oh" "Hey it's nothing to be nervous about" "Thanks" "Okay so you both have two other children of your own?" "yes we have two other daughters. Gracie is 6 years old and Maggie is 5 years old" "Dylan is the same age as Gracie?" "yes" "Do they get along?" "oh yes. They've become good friends" She smiled and asked us a bunch of other questions. I could see Audrey getting tired. "Do you mind if I just put her down for her nap?" "no not at all" I got up and brought Audrey to her room. I laid her down and walked out.

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