Chapter 15

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TIM POV: "Hi Linda what can I do for you?" "Well I wanted to let you know, I will be coming by to see you both along with Dylan" "oh okay when?" "Is this afternoon alright? I can come by after he gets out of school" "sure that's fine. See you then, bye" "bye" "Was that?" "yeah that was the social worker" "And?" "she's coming by this afternoon after Dylan gets home from school" "oh" "hey don't worry, this may be good" Jeff said "thanks" "Look, we don't know anything for sure. I just felt you both needed to know because I don't think they will tell anything unless they find something" "Okay thanks Jeff" "I'll be in touch. If I hear anything else, I will call you both right away" "Thanks again" "no problem" he then left. "So I guess we aren't going shopping" Faith said "how about once Linda leaves, we take all our kids out shopping" "really?" "yeah" "And who knows, maybe we can go out for dinner! After all it's Friday" Faith smiled "I love you" "I love you too" I said and kissed her. Then we heard little giggles. Audrey was standing up looking at us laughing. I went and picked her up and tickled her. Now she was laughing so hard "Tim... " "alright I'll stop" I said and put her down. "See she knows how to make her mommy feel better! Me too also" After a couple of hours it was time to pick up the kids from school. Faith stayed at the house, while I went to pick them up. Once they were all in the car,we drove home. "Kids listen when we get home, we need you all to go up to your rooms, except Dylan" "is it because I don't have a room?" "no buddy. We have a visitor coming over to talk to you" "oh. So am I being taken away?" I didn't know how to answer that. I honestly don't know what's going to happen. "Tim.." "I don't know, but we are doing everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen alright?" "Okay" he said quietly. He's finally starting to talk more and now this. He's been quiet since we brought him home and over the past week or so, he's been coming out of that. We got home and the girls went to go to their rooms. "Wait.. Girls" "yes daddy?" "can you both take Audrey with you?" I grabbed Audrey's hand and helped her get to Gracie and Maggie. They carefully took her hands and helped her up. I made sure they were all the way up. Then went back to the living room. Dylan went and sat on the couch. "Is he alright?" "yeah, he's just scared. I had to tell him" "I am also!" There was then a knock at the door. Dylan looked at us. "It's going to be alright" I said trying to reassure him. Maybe more me. I answered the door. "Hello Linda, nice to see you again, come on in" "thank you" We walked in the living room. "Dylan this is Linda" "hi!" he said "hi Dylan, nice to meet you" "have a seat" I can see Faith was nervous. I sat next to her and held her hand.

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