Chapter 10

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TIM POV: I was lying in bed when Faith walked in. She sat down on the bed and started crying. "What's wrong?" I asked as I put my arm around her. She wiped her tears. "Dylan" "Dylan? What happened?" "Tim he told me things" "What did he tell you?" "That when his parents were alive, they never paid attention to him. He said they were never home and when they were, he would see them drinking all the time and doing drugs" "Drugs?" "yeah he mentioned them putting stuff up their noses and also injecting themselves with a needle" "oh my god" "so he's been pretty much on his own his whole life?" "yeah, Tim he doesn't want to leave and I don't want him to" "I don't either. I spoke with Jeff and told him the situation. He's doing everything he can. He's going to contact department of children services as well and get the ball rolling so we can be his permanent guardians" "Tim I don't want that" "What do you mean?" "I think we should adopt him" "Faith..maybe we should give this more time" "I don't need anymore time. I know we only had him a couple of days, but I really love that little boy like he's my own" "alright, well let's just play it by ear and see what happens" "fine" she said and got up. "Where are you going?" "to shower, I need some time to myself" she said and went in the bathroom. Great! Now she hates me. I know she doesn't want to let Dylan go, but we don't know what's going to happen. The state may not let us.  We just need to take it day by day and what is meant to happen will happen.  Faith then came out. "I'm sorry" "No don't be. I should be sorry" "Look let's just wait and see what happens. We don't even know if the state will grant us custody of him" "I know. It's just he told me he doesn't want to leave" "he did?" "yeah" "I had no idea" "I know but we have to do everything we can to make sure he's safe" "we will. I promise you that"

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