Chapter 23

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FAITH POV: I got to the doctor's office and signed both kids in. After a little while, we were called back. "The doctor will be in shortly" the nurse said "thank you" Dylan looked really nervous. "Dylan you alright?" "yeah I just don't remember the last time I was at the doctor's" "oh honey, Dr Morris is a great doctor. Gracie and Maggie, and Audrey have been coming here since they were newborns" He shortly walked in. "Hello Faith" "Hi Dr Morris" "so this is Dylan?" he asked pointing to him. "Yes it is. Dylan this is Dr Morris" "hi" "alright so who do you want to start with?" "let's start with Dylan" "okay, Dylan, can you come up here on the exam table?" He looked at me "it's alright, I'm right here" I helped him up. The doctor started to do his exam. He kept backing up. "Dylan let the doctor examine you. He needs to see what's wrong with you to make you feel better" "i'm scared" "Can I sit with him?" "sure" I got up with Audrey in my lap and sat next to him. It seemed to help settle him down some. "I'm going to swab his throat. It looks like strep but I need to do a test just to make sure" "oh okay. Might as well do her too, she has the same symptoms" "okay let's take a look here" he said and looked over Audrey. Sure enough he swabbed her too. "Alright I'll be back in a few with the results" "Thanks" After about 10 minutes, he came back. "Well looks like they both have strep" "I had a feeling it was" "I am going to give you a prescription for both for antibiotics. They should both start to feel better within 48 hours of being on the meds" "okay thank you. Can I give them still meds for the fever?" "yes! Tylenol is fine. Motrin if it's not working, but I don't want you to give them that unless you have to. It's harder on the stomach and since they both have been vomiting.." "yeah I got it! But if they are vomiting.." "You can use a suppository" "Okay thank you" He gave me the prescriptions and we left. I went to the pharmacy to get them filled. After about 20 minutes we were on our way home. Both fell asleep in the car. Thankfully Tim is home. I called him "hey can you come out and help me?" "sure" He then came out. "Can you grab Dylan?" "sure" While Tim got Dylan, I got Audrey. We brought them inside and laid them down in their beds. "They alright?" "yeah strep throat. I want to give them the medicine, but i don't want to wake them" "let them sleep. When they wake up, we can give to them" "okay"

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