Chapter 52

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2 more chapters left to go after this one...

FAITH POV: I was pacing around waiting for a call from Tim. It's been over an hour since he left with the police officers. I was about to dial his number when he called "Tim. what's going on?" "He's fine. I got him. Listen can you meet us at the hospital?" "yeah sure! Is he alright" "yeah I just want him checked" "oh okay, I'm on my way" I said and hung up. I grabbed my purse and keys and left. I called Betty on the way asking her to bring the girls home. I arrived and ran in. I saw Tim "Hey how is he?" "The doctors are with him" "Why aren't you with him?" "They asked me to step out for a few minutes" "oh okay" "Faith I'm worried what she did to him" "What do you mean?" "Well I thought he would be happy to see me when I came in he looked either scared to death or I don't know" "I'm sure he was just shaken by everything" "yeah maybe" I could see Tim was really scared about him. Before I could say anything else the doctor came out. We walked over "how is he?" "he's doing fine. He's very shaken. He has some bruises. But otherwise, he's fine" "Can we see him?" "yes right this way" He said and we followed him to his room. We walked in. He didn't look like the happy boy he's been over the past month or so and especially after he was officially adopted. I ran over to him. "Hey there sweetie" he turned to me. I can see the tears. "Hey you are alright! You are safe! She's never going to hurt you again" "she said you and dad didn't want me anymore" "oh honey that's not true! We love you so much" "yeah that's right bud" He smiled "i'm sorry.." "Hey it's fine! Okay? The most important thing is you are safe and alright" "I want to go home!" "soon bud! Can you tell us what happened?" He turned away. I looked at Tim. "it's okay honey, you don't have to. Not until you are ready to"

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