Chapter 26

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FAITH POV:  Once the party was over, Tim helped me clean everything up. "That was fun" "yeah it was. I think they all had a lot of fun. Audrey even was excited" "yeah she was. Her face when she saw that bouncy house, was priceless" "yeah it was. Glad I got it on video" "me too" "alright let me go get them their baths and ready for bed" "need any help?" "sure" we then went upstairs. All the kids were in Gracie's room playing. Even Audrey. We stood in the doorway watching them.  We were about to walk in but stopped when we heard Gracie and Maggie talking to Dylan. "Looks like you are staying here" "yeah maybe" "what? You don't want to live here?" "no I do. I just don't know if it's going to happen" "Well mommy and daddy will make sure" "yeah maybe"  "Tim.." "shhh.. I don't want them knowing we were listening" He whispered. We continued in the doorway. "Well mommy and daddy love us" he looked down. "If I do stay do you think they will let me call them mom and dad?" "maybe" We waited a couple of minutes before going in. "Hey kids, let's get cleaned up" I said "okay" "Gracie you can go get in the shower" "okay mommy" Gracie does good by herself in the shower. I got Maggie and Audrey in the bath. "Tim can you help Dylan?" "sure" "come on buddy" he said and left with him. Once I was done with both girls. I got them dried off and in their pajamas. I then went to check on Gracie. "Hey sweet girl, you alright?" "yes mommy"  I helped her brush her hair. Then got in her bed. "Good night honey. I love you" "Love you too mommy" I then walked out and went to Maggie's room.  "Okay honey time for bed" "alright mommy" I got her in and tucked her in. "love you sweetie, goodnight" "goodnight mommy, love you too" I kissed her forehead and walked out her room. Then went to Audrey's, where she was already in her crib asleep. Tim must of put her in. I smiled and gave her a kiss on her forehead. I then went to Tim who was in Dylan's room. "Hey" "Hey, so the girls asleep?" "not yet, you should go tell Gracie and Maggie goodnight" "I will" we looked at Dylan. "Alright, well goodnight" "Goodnight. Wait. can I get a drink of water?" "sure"
He got up and went downstairs. Tim went to Gracie and Maggie's room. Then came back. Dylan was walking to his room. "Can I ask you both something?" "sure what is it?" "do you not love me too?" Tim and I looked at each other. I wanted to at that moment just cry.

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