Chapter 19

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FAITH POV: It's been a couple months now since that day we found Dylan. We still have him. He's such a good boy. I enjoy having him here. I don't want to lose him. We haven't heard much about what's going on with the police and department of children services as far as finding his so called family if there are any out there. If there is, why haven't they come to look for him? Why did they let him be on his own for over two years? In my opinion, they abandoned him! They don't deserve him! "Baby" "yeah right here" "I just got off the phone with Jeff. I had him start the paperwork for the adoption" "Really?" "yeah! He said he doesn't see a reason, why we can't get this rolling" I smiled "you alright?" "yeah fine. It's just it's been a few months now. I would of figured if they haven't found any so called family by now, then they wouldn't. They need to let this little boy stay where he is. He's happy here" "yeah he is. He's come a long way from when we found him" "yeah he has. So where is Audrey" before I could speak here she comes walking in. "dada" he turned around and she started to run. He then went after her and she's just laughing. I couldn't help but laugh. He came back in holding her and tickling her. She's just laughing. "Ma ma." "oh no mommy isn't going to save you" "Tim let her go" "Oh alright" he put her down and she came over to me. "There's my baby" "no baby" "oh so you are a big girl?" She smiled. "I big girl now" and then she took off. "Okay then" Audrey's 2nd birthday is coming up in a couple of months. I want to have a party for her here at the house. I've been looking into bouncy houses to rent for the day. I found one place and called them and got one reserved. She loves those things! "Faith I'm going to pick up the kids from school" "okay" "need anything?" "No I'm good" "alright see you soon, love you" "love you too" he gave me a kiss and then left.

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