Chapter 41

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TIM POV: "hey Jeff, it's Tim" "hey Tim is everything alright?" "Well I don't know" "What do you mean?" "Well I had an interesting call today from Kristine's mother" "Are you sure it was her mother?" "yeah. When we dated all those years ago, I had met her. But not too long after, Kristine told me she had died" "really? Wow, that's interesting" "yeah, I was spectacle at first also. So she has asked me to meet up with her, so I agreed" "so what is it her?" "yeah it was" "Are you thinking she will try to take Dylan away from you and Faith?" "yeah, well Faith is more nervous about it. But since he is our son and officially adopted, she can't do anything can she?" "Well she can. As family member, maternal grandmother, it makes a difference. She can fight you both for custody" "I really hope not" "Look don't worry about anything yet alright? So far nothing has happened. Dylan is yours and Faith's son" "yeah I guess" "Tim trust me. How about this. I will see what I can find out alright?" "Thanks that would be great" "okay, I will talk to you later, bye" "bye" I just wish I knew why now? Why Kristine's mother decided to come forward now? Just something doesn't add up. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something going on here. I don't want to worry Faith, but I need to find out. I don't want say anything to her unless I know something for sure. I dialed her number. "Hello" "Hi Debbie, it's Tim" "Oh Tim, I wasn't expecting to hear from you. Did you change your mind about me seeing Dylan?" "no I haven't. But we need to talk" "oh alright, when?" "Can you come here?" "now?" "yes, this can't wait" "fine, I'll be there shortly" I hung up. I'm glad Dylan isn't home. I walked out in the living room "did you find out anything?" "No I didn't, but Jeff said not to worry about anything and if he finds out anything, he will call us" "Oh okay" "You alright?" "yeah fine. Look Audrey is sleeping, can you watch her?" "yeah sure. Where you going?" "Just get some things at the grocery store  before getting the kids" "oh okay" she then left. Well that works out. I probably should've told Faith about Debbie coming over. Shortly after Faith left there was a knock at the door. "Come in" "so what why did you want me to come here?" "have a seat" I said as we walked in the living room "We need to talk" I said.

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