Chapter 18 - Your Fault!

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 “I better talk to Daniel, I’m sure he hates me.”


“I think he hates me more.”


“Nonsense I was the one who kissed you.”


“Okay yeah, that was definitely your fault.”


“Your fault for dying.”


“Dan’s fault for keeping it a secret.”


“My fault for falling in love with him.”


He smirked. “You win, he hates you.”


“Thank you.”


Dan ran into his room and waited for Florence.


“Hey baby, can we talk?” She asked crawling to sit next to him on the bed.


“Oh, sure.” He said patronizingly.


“What is it?”


“It’s your fault for falling in love with me; well I’m sorry Miss Heathcliff if I didn’t turn out to be everything you wanted. Why don’t you just tell me you’re in love with him?”


“I’m not in love with him Daniel; I’m in love with you. Sure Nick still has a thing for me and I kissed him but that doesn’t change anything.”


He let out a grunt of amusement. “Doesn’t change anything, oh my Florence Heathcliff, you kissed another man and you don’t expect me to be angry.”


“Be angry Dan, be very angry but at me not Nick.”


“Stop protecting him.”


“I’m not; he’s pretty capable of that himself. I’m just saying this is my fault, I do love you and I don’t love him. We’re just good old friends and you and I are more, I could never be more with him.”


“Stop messing with my head Florence, please. If you love me start acting like you do, I knew getting Nick involved was a bad idea.”


“I’m sorry; I know I haven’t been myself lately. I never meant to hurt you.”


“Did you kill him?” Dan said swiftly.


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