Chapter 1: Keep up

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I feel a grin growing onto my face as I smile towards my boyfriend, Zeke. Me and Zeke had been going out for about a year now and it's going pretty great, except for the fact that we haven't really done anything yet.

Literally, nothing.

I mean sure we do those small goodbye kisses, it's cute and gives me a 'flutter' in my chest, but sometimes you just want more. But then again, that's just me being eager.

Although, a part of me thought that he was a keeper, since we haven't done anything and we're still going out together. Plus, I only go out with guys whom I see as a potential husband, and boy was he husband material. This guy could cook, clean and is the kindest guy out there, what more could a girl ask for.

Anyways, this is my third year in college and I'm living with my best friend, Harper, who's a huge slut but I honestly didn't mind. She was the coolest and I loved her to bits, no matter her negative qualities. We were in this together as we both knew each other since high school and left home to reach our dreams. Mine's as a dancer, and hers as an artist.

What can I say, we were both girls with creative minds.

"There. You look perfect." Zeke says as he joins me on the bench to show me the picture he had taken. It was beautiful as it was able to catch the bright colors of the tree behind me, plus with my nice fashion sense, it looked magnificent.

"Thank you, it looks great. You could totally be a photographer, I honestly don't see what's the risk." I tell him and he smirks at me.

"My parents." He gives me a knowing look and I shrug.

"Well, that sucks. I guess I could have you all to myself then." I smile and he lets out a small chuckle.

It was about 6:00 p.m on a Tuesday evening and here we were spending time together sitting in front of a park on a park bench.

"You know we have school tomorrow..." I tell him and he groans.

"I know, don't remind me. I'm going to be receiving a project tomorrow that I already know is going to mess me up the entire week. I probably won't get to see you in a while." He pouts and I grab his chin.

"Well, you work on that project and I'll pose in front of Harper for the entire week. She has an art assignment to do and she wants me. If you think you're having it bad." I roll my eyes as he begins to laugh.

"I know that feeling." He says and I burst into laughter. A few months into dating I had brought Zeke home during a time of Harper's crisis. She was desperate and had no ideas until she saw Zeke. He had to pose for several hours just to help her out. It was the funniest thing.

"I have to get going, Harp's going to kill me if I don't make it in time for dinner." I tell him and he gives me a questioning look.

"I thought you moved away from your parents?"

"It's Harper, no questions asked." I smirk up at him and he leans over to give me a kiss.

Sometimes it gets me wondering how people say that kissing gives people a fluttery-giddy feeling. For some reason I'm not getting it, I never had it. Harper had warned me about that but I try not to worry about it because I really do like him.

But then the haunting question keeps popping into my head.

Will I ever love him?

I shake away that thought because how could I not love a guy like Zeke, the guy with so many talents. He makes me laugh, he's super kind and he helps me out. I like him. I'm going to get married to him. That's my set life, no changes necessary.


"Sit still!" Harper shouts.

Her hair is up in a knot and her clothes are full of paint. She always wears the same outfit when painting as she doesn't want paint on any other of her clothes. Now, I know what your thinking, why not get an apron?

I've always told her but she always says that an apron is so much work and it bothers her or something. It's an artist thing I guess.

I continue sitting on the light blue couch, which very well matches with my dark blue outfit she made me wear.

"I'm sitting still!" I shout back and she rolls her eyes but continues to paint anyways.

"So, since you're already here, I might as well tell you that I had a great night last night." She says and this time I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, since you didn't end up coming home. Who was it with?" I ask her with a smirk and she smirks back.

"The one and only, Jerry Foster." She says and my eyes go wide.

"Aren't his parents super rich or something? He doesn't look like someone to go to parties though. He is that smart one right?" I ask her and she nods.

"I know, it was a surprise seeing him at the frat party and he seemed so unsure about everything. I helped him out... and then ended up bringing him straight to the bed."


"What? He was super sweet and was careful about everything, which was a huge turn on. The funny thing, though, was that he seemed to know a lot. He seemed experienced. Plus he is super hot too so I couldn't give him up." She says and I roll my eyes but nod.

"As much as I hate to say this, I see what you mean." I say and she gives me a mocked expression.

"Slovan! You have a boyfriend!"

"I mean I get it for you! For you!" I correct myself and she nods knowingly.

"You already know I'm joking. But, how is it going with Zeke?" She asks with an understanding expression.

"He's great. I literally just came back from meeting him." I tell her and she nods quietly.

I know the thoughts in her head as she had already talked to me before about this. She doesn't think we're meant to be, and that really did hurt me as she was my best friend. Sure, there weren't much sparks but this isn't a story book.

Sparks just aren't real in my book.

"Well, have fun with him." She says and continues painting. I continue to sit there with a wondering expression, thinking of the future I had planned out for all of us.

I just hope it stays that way.


How was that chapter? This is the first chapter of the story and I'm honestly so excited to get started with this book :) I hope you guys enjoy this story and yadayadayada. Peace :D

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