Chapter 37: Indescribable Sadness

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I head upstairs with my gym bag to sleep in the guest bedroom.

After the talk, we had a pretty silent dinner. It was all quiet until Sean said he needed to go for some football meeting. He gave me an apologetic smile but I couldn't help but glare at him. He swore to stay by me throughout all of this and here he is leaving me for a football meeting.

My father didn't seem to care as he waved away at it and started to do the dishes. That was when I decided to get my stuff and head to the guest room.

I change into some more comfortable clothing, my sweats and a random marvel t-shirt. I lay on the bed and close my eyes.

Terrible thoughts kept shooting at me: My parents, my brother, Harper, and stupid fucking Caden.

Even if it was just a day here, it felt like a lifetime. I missed my small comfy apartment and the sound of Harper talking on the phone. And as much as I hate to say this, I missed Caden's humming. I know that sounds weird, but his humming felt like home to me.

After everything my father told me, it was hard for me to sleep as I also kept thinking about my past. And I hated everything about my past.

I take out my phone and turn it back on. I noticed that I had many missed calls from Caden's number. My eyes widen in surprise but at the same time I really didn't care.

...Okay maybe I did.

Was he going to call and say that he made a mistake? Does he actually like me?

Ha, what a joke. Caden never does commitments, I knew that when I first got into this with him.

I go into my playlist and find the song I was looking for.

The song that Caden always hums.

I listen to it as I fall asleep.


I wake up to Sean throwing pillows at my face.

"Sean! What the fuck!" I groan and open my eyes. Sean had a mischievous grin on his face and I roll my eyes as I get up.

"There, you happy?" I scratch my head and he looks at me in surprise.

"Maybe if you put some clothes on." He says and looks away, "Seriously, I would much rather not see my own sister like this."

My eyes widen as I look down at myself, "Oh shit."

I was only wearing a thin tang top with only my own underwear as my bottoms. I quickly grab my pair of sweats lying on the chair next to the bed. I forgot I had changed out of my other outfit as this room was really hot.

"I'm done." He looks back at me with a small smile.

"Now let's go. How are you feeling, especially after yesterday?"

"Like shit. Thank you though." I follow Sean out of the bedroom door and I head straight to the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I finished, I walk out the door and find Sean looking at a picture frame on the opposite wall.

I join him and look at the picture. My eyes widen in surprise as I notice that the picture is of me.

"Why...when?" I feel my eyes watering and Sean holds my shoulders.

"He put it up after about 2 weeks since we moved. He really changed and realized his mistakes. I remember I would look at this picture and just wonder if I'd ever see you again." He says and I choke.

"Same. Mom took down all the family pictures and I only had a small one. It was the one that we took during our happy times. At the picnic." I start to sob, letting all the emotions pour out of me. Sean hugs me as I sob into his shoulders.

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