Chapter 35: Crush(ed)

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The car ride was oddly quiet. The radio was playing a bunch of songs from his own playlist and I hear him, once in a while, humming to the tune. I put my hand out the window and play with the air as the music just filled my ears.

"Want to try this?" He asks me as he notices my hand. He presses a button and the convertible takes shape as the roof of the car comes down.

I let out a shriek as I honestly had no idea that this was a convertible. This car was practically a transformer.

He starts laughing and I notice that I had just said that out loud.

I put the volume of the music nice and high so we can belt out and sing along to the songs, annoying everyone around us.

Not that I cared.


We finally reach the museum and I hop out of the car. Me and Caden walk through the moving doors and I can begin to hear the conversations happening inside.

I feel a hand to my shoulder and I jump.

"Where's the counter?" Caden asks into my ear, knowing it was way too loud. There was an exhibition going on and everyone seemed to be crowding around the new paintings.

I point to show him and he starts to walk off. I immediately run after him, knowing that the crowd of people weren't going to make it easy to find him later on.

I wasn't fast enough and many people were coming in between us. A rude man came walking right in front of me causing me to trip over his damn dress shoes. I reach out in attempt to catch something and thankfully I did.

Of course, you probably know what it is already.

Caden pulls me straight up and holds me close to help balance myself.

"Thank you."

"Stay close." He continues to hold my hand as we head over to the front counter. Surprisingly, the line wasn't that long and we managed to be able to get to the front after about 5 minutes.

"How many tickets?" The lady looked uninterested until she takes a glance at Caden. Her eyes widen in surprise as she notices how good looking the guy actually was.

I forgot to mention how good looking Caden is tonight. He had on a black sweatshirt that was pulled up to his elbows, along with some dark fitted jeans and sneakers. Okay sure, they aren't anything special, but he looked great. He always does.

Ugh, I hate myself sometimes.

The lady then looks at me and I notice a flash of anger in her eyes. I can't help but roll my own eyes and look away from her. Caden starts taking out his cash and I take out mine as well. We both pay for our own ticket and are able to finally head inside, away from that jerky woman. We start heading into a hall filled with different paintings and statues. We look around for a few minutes.

"Do you like museums?" He asks simply and I nod.

"I kind of learned to appreciate art, obviously with the help of Harper. Her art really drove me into actually liking it. She would explain to me what her art meant and I just found out that there is more to the painting than you really think." I walk over and point to a painting right beside him.

"Like that. It's a painting of a lady carrying a cat. Did you notice the tiredness in her eyes and that the cat doesn't look happy or even alive. She's too tired to address what's actually going on." He nods at my comment and walks over to a painting on the opposite wall.

"This is just a picture of 2 hands holding. Notice the fingers. One has a wedding ring and the other doesn't. The background is black. Probably a sad broken marriage or something." Caden says and I nod.

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