Chapter 10: Harper

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FLASHBACK    (trigger warning)

Things weren't going too well back at home with my parents still fighting and all. I head over to Harper's house to help calm myself.

"Harper? Open up!" I knock at her door. She lives with her family but her parents are rarely home because of their business, leaving Harper all alone. I used to always feel bad whenever I came over because I kept bothering her with my presence but she told me it was fine. She needed family and hated staying by herself anyways.

"Yup! Be right there!" I hear her stomp all the way to the door. She opens up the door and I notice a few bruises at her wrists. I even saw some deep scratches.

"Harper! What the hell is this!" I grab her wrists and her eyes widen when she realized that she didn't hide it this time.

For some reason, the past few days, Harper has been wearing long sleeves and turtle necks but I knew she would never wear anything like that. When I asked her she just told me its a new trend. I knew she was lying by the nervous look in her face and especially how everyone was wearing spaghetti straps and crop tops.

"It's nothing."

"Harp, it's not nothing. Someone is hurting you! Is it your parents or something?!" I ask her and she shakes her head. I see tears form in her eyes.

"Harper, it's okay. You can tell me." She ponders for a bit before she takes action with a nervous look on her face.

She grabs my hand and pulls me down a hallway that I've never seen before. She opens the single door that was found at the end of it and it revealed a room filled with madness. Paint was thrown everywhere and haunting faces painted on the walls. Red paint dragged across the walls like blood. 'Don't tell' written in dark bold letters beside the creepy face.

"He's hurting me." She tells me and I turn to look at her in confusion.


"Max Darwell." She says and my eyes widen. He was the school's most popular guy that everyone loved. He wasn't one to go to parties or use girls, he was actually nice and smart.

"What? When?" I never even knew Harper had known Max.

"I met him when I went to go get some Starbucks. He was there with 2 other friends and he talked to me since he said that he saw me before at school. I really liked him Slov. We kept hanging out, but he told me to keep it a secret and I did. He started to open up more and more, and I found out how much of a psychopath he was. I didn't mind but then he started to get more physical. We kissed, had sex, but he was different. He thought it was hot if he used a knife to slowly cut my skin. He'd hit me but he'd make sure I never tell."

"He had something against me. My parents worked for his parents and he could easily ruin my family in a second. But it hurts Slov and I can't take it anymore. The only way to let myself go is through painting." She points to the wall, tears falling down her face. I look around the room and feel the emotion of the walls surrounding me. It was filled with so much sadness, fear and pain, my heart hurt like hell for her.

"What am I going to do." She slides down the black wall and sobs. I had absolutely no idea because if he could hurt her family, then he had the leverage.

"We need the upper hand. Grab your laptop we're heading out." I take her hand and give her the strongest hug I could ever give. She lets everything go at that point and lets out all the sadness she was holding in.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

We head out of the house and go to my place. I bust my door open and call out for the only person I knew who might be able to help with this situation.

"Sean!" I don't hear my parents fighting so they probably separated. My dad to his friends and my mom to hers.

"Yes!" I hear him from his room. I walk upstairs with Harper's hand in mine. Upon opening his bedroom door, he pulls his earbuds out of his ears.

"Are they done?" He asks and I nod. I motion for Harper to make an appearance. She stands beside me and his eyes widen.

"Harper? What happened to you?" He sits up and looks at her in concern. After a while of Harper relaying her story, Sean nods to himself and looks away.

"And you guys probably need me to find a way to end this." He says and looks at me knowingly.

"I mean, if you got dad's slutty friend out of the picture, changed your grades, and got a teacher to leave the school, I think you could help out with this." I tell him and he nods.

"Well, if you put it that way..." He motions for me to pass the laptop. I give it to him and he gets to work.

"What are you going to do?" Harper asks in curiosity.

"Well, first off, I'm going to find a way to get your little Max away from you. Then I'm going to threaten his parents, and make sure they don't let his son get out of hand. He needs help, especially after doing that to you and thinking it's hot." He points to her scars.

"And how will that happen?" I ask him and he looks at me with a surprised look.

"This is easy stuff Slov. It just takes a few emails, pictures and some information that only their family knows. It makes everything more interesting and scary for them."

He continues to type and I decide to pull Harper out of the room. We both go sit downstairs on my couch and I try to talk about something more lighthearted. I managed to get a laugh out of her and my heart pulled. I felt terrible, I should've known or realized something was wrong with her. If I didn't catch her this morning, who knows what would have happened to Harper.

"I'm sorry Harper." I choke out and she looks at me in shock.

"No, don't be! You're saving me Slovan! You don't understand how much you help me, just by being there. Sure, it was terrifying but it's okay. You didn't do anything, it was my fault for not telling you sooner."

"Yeah, but-"

"No buts. I love you and you didn't do anything to make this happen. It was because of me and my stupid feelings."

"Don't say that."

"It's true."

"It's not. You're the strongest person I've ever met. I mean you go through this and - oh my lord. Thank goodness he didn't attempt to kill you." I cry and we both hug each other.

I hear someone's footsteps as they head down the stairs and both me and Harper wipe our tears and look towards Sean with a small smile. He nods and gives the laptop back to Harper.

"It's done. Max will be out by Monday, most probably, and he will be going to see a therapist or psychiatrist. I found some dark secrets within his family's business. Apparently they used a lot of companies and had a whole lot of loans - and shit. It's hard to explain, especially with you guys looking at me like that. Basically, they did a lot of bad things and they didn't cover it all up very well. It's all good."

Harper starts to cry and I give her a tight hug.

"He's gone." Sean says and he comes over to pat Harper's back.

"Thank you Sean." I look up at him with a teary smile and he gives me a nod.

"Yeah, thank you." Harper manages to choke out and Sean lets out a small sad chuckle.

"It'll be okay."

And it really was. By Monday, Max was never seen at school and rumor has it that he moved away and goes to some other school in another state. Harper is forever thankful to me and she redecorated that haunting room with some brighter things.

Things got better for her but it got intense for me as my parents got divorced and Sean was taken away from me.


Thank you guys for reading! This chapter was more of a back story for Harper's life and geez I can't believe she had to go through all that :( Well I hope you guys enjoyed and continue to enjoy! LOVE YAAAA

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