Chapter 33: Just Dance

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"You got your assignment?" Caden asks me as I reach my locker.

I nod and proceed to open my locker. I shove in all my stuff and take out all my math supplies. I hear foot steps behind me and turn around quickly, knowing that those foot steps didn't sound too friendly.

"Hey bitch."


Current time: Last night

"Bye Slov." Caden tells me as I head out of his car.

"See ya." I grin and start walking off. I hear Caden's car back up and leave the apartment space, but I felt something very unusual.

I didn't feel alone.

"Hey sunshine." I jump and turn around to face the voice.

Maya Shelve. Caden's current girlfriend and Sean's ex.

"You're following me now?" I ask and she gives me a scary smirk. It's funny just thinking about how my brother fell for this bitch.

"I do what the heart pleases." She looks behind us to where Caden's Porsche just left, "I notice you're getting more closer with Caden, that shouldn't be happening. What are you doing to him?"

"Nothing. He's literally just a good friend of mine." Lies.

She walks up closer and I spot 3 other girls appear from behind her. They all have vicious looks on their faces and I can't help but feel a little intimidated. Especially because it was totally dark outside. This all just looked like one big bad film where I was about to get intimidated and forced into doing something I don't want to do through blackmail.

"You're not going to be meeting him anymore. He's not yours, he's mine."

"I completely disagree. He doesn't belong to anyone." I give her a stern look and she rolls her eyes.

"A goody two shoes until the end are we? Well, you're going to have to stay away from him or else I'm going to have to tell the whole school that Harper's pregnant. Now, we wouldn't want that would we?" She smirks, knowing she hit a nerve.

"Who said she was pregnant?" I try to play dumb but they laugh it off.

"I was there at Targot when you guys found out. I'm not stupid."

"I see...but the thing is, unlike the movies where I feel scared of you, it's quite the opposite actually. I have something against you as well." Her eyes widen at my comment and I smile innocently.

"Yeah right." She starts to look a little afraid and I can't help but chuckle.

"You were Sean's ex-girlfriend right?" I smirk as I see the blood drain from her face. She pales in front of me, "I wasn't joking when I called you a slut. So, nice to meet you, I'm Sean's younger sister."

She chokes (or gasps, I don't know what the fuck that was) and quickly runs off, dragging her girls with her.

That was just plain easy.


Present time.

"Hey slut." I say with a smile and Maya rolls her eyes at me. Caden looks from me to Maya and I can't help but laugh at his confused look. I shrug and see Maya give me a glare before she grabs hold of Caden's shirt, forcing him into a make out session. I take out my phone and lean on my locker, waiting for the first bell to ring so she could leave.

When the bell rang I couldn't be happier.

"I have to go." She sighs into his shirt and he gives out a small laugh.

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