Chapter 6: Dirty Laundry

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We all move our foot to the right.


We move our other foot forward.


We leap.

"Great job guys. Just keep practicing these new moves I'm teaching you guys. These moves should be used in your dance if you all want a better grade." My dance teacher, Mrs. Calvin says.

I walk over to my bag at the corner and quickly unzip it to chug my water from my water bottle. My two other friends, Shay and Marlene, head over to me as I shrug the bag over my shoulder.

"Well, no surprise, you aced the move. I swear my arm is killing me from that fall." Shay says and Marlene and I burst out laughing.

"That was such a brutal fall." Marlene laughs and Shay shoves her.

"So Slovan, what are you up to today?" Shay asks me and I shrug.

"Up to no good." I nudge her and Shay rolls her eyes.

"Puh-lease girl friend, everybody knows that you are the most peaceful and good human being." Marlene says with a smirk.

"I could do bad things too." I say and they both look at me with a disbelieving look.

"Yeah, whatever." Shay looks at her phone and waves goodbye to both of us. She walks out and Marlene looks at me.

"So you want to be a dance teacher huh." She starts and we ended up having a never ending conversation.


Once I reach home I find Harper talking with somebody on the couch.

"So you're her tutor? How have I not heard about this?" I hear Harper say and I slap my forehead.


I completely forgot we were meeting today. I didn't even get to give Harper a warning, meaning we were going to have a long conversation after this. I stayed longer than I expected with Marlene at the dance room, so they must've been talking for a while. Unless, of course, Caden came late, which he probably did.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." I say to make my presence known.

They both look up at me. Harper gives me an annoyed look but she keeps a smirk on her face. Caden looks at me with no specific expression. I have no idea if he's happy to see me or not.

"I'll be in my art room so you guys could call if you need me." Harp says as she gets up and strolls out of the room.

"Should we get started?" Caden asks and I nod.

I motion for him to follow me and he gets up. Once we reach my room, I open the door and throw my bag onto my bed. I shrug off my huge hoodie, leaving me in just a tank top.

He looks at me with an amused expression but I just shrug.

"It's not like you haven't seen this before. You've probably seen less." I say and he nods in agreement.

I pull out my math binder and place it on my desk. Thank goodness my desk was huge so it could fit the both of us. He pulls out his stuff and we begin with this whole tutoring thing.

After a few hours of me asking thousands of questions and him answering them all diligently, I finally decide that it's time to end this study session because I could tell he was unable to get anything done since I asked way too many questions.

"Okay, that's enough for today." I say and he leans back on his chair.

"You had enough of me?" I turn to him and witness the most adorable pout on earth. Who knew that the bad boy could act as adorable as this.

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