Chapter 24: Honest Truths

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I scroll through my music to try to find the perfect song for my dance assignment but I still am not able to find the perfect song.

I groan in frustration and shut off my phone. I was in my dance room waiting to find some inspiration but nothing came at me.

It was the day after the big scandal and the whole situation seemed kind of funny. The whole scandal appeared on the news and it surprises me how serious this situation seems, but the whole security of the area was really cheap. I was able to get through it in a couple of minutes.

I look up and stare at myself through the mirrors.

I can't help but feel so alone when I look at myself. Just a young girl filled with big dreams. I wanted to get married to Zeke and have some pretty babies, live a great life with my best friend and become a great choreographer.

But I don't know if I want that anymore.

Zeke was always the greatest guy who was a great cook and had a great future ahead of him. Why do I feel like he's disappearing as the days go by. We used to meet up almost every day but now that he's not coming over anymore, it's just even harder.

I keep thinking of Caden but I know he's unreachable. He's dating and doesn't even want commitments.

I jump up and run out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Harper asks from the living room.

"Out." I shut the door behind me and rush out of the apartment. I step into the elevator and press the button to go to the main/ground level. Once the elevator doors open I run out and get into my car.

I'm running towards my future.

Who would it be: Caden or Zeke?

I start up my car and drive towards the direction of my destination.


I get out of my car and head to the home of my future.

I knock on the door and he opens it.

"Oh my god. Hey Slov." Zeke says. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist and his chest was glistening wet.

"Wow." I, not so discreetly, stare at his chest.

Zeke chuckles and opens the door wider. I walk in and just like always, his home looked sparkly clean. I walk over and jump onto his couch.

"You're seriously the most cleanest person I've ever met." I state and he nods in agreement.

"That's what all my friends tell me. The guys just push me around saying how I'm just a girl." He says and I roll my eyes, "I know it's stupid."

"So what's up?" He leans on the wall and I can't help but think how he could seriously become a model.

"You should consider being a model." I say and he looks down at his appearance.

"Should I?" He starts posing and showing off his muscles.

"Eww, stop." I throw the couch pillow at his stupid self. He laughs and catches it. He walks over to me and poses once more.

"I'll be your own personal model." He purses his lips and I can't help but grin.

"You're being really sweet today." I mention. He seemed so distant when we met up in McRonald's, but now he's acting like he normally does. "You did something, didn't you."

Just as I state that, his phone rings with a notification. I quickly grab at it before he could and my heart began pounding faster as I read the text.

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