Chapter 25: Confuzzled

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"Aw, well, I told you so." Harper smirks at me while we eat dinner on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm honestly surprised he felt the same way. But I guess it kind of makes sense, I didn't really try to make the relationship work."

"What are you talking about?! You were the one who kissed him first. That takes courage girl." She gives me a high five and I laugh.

"But I think what we have is honestly something special." I tell her and she nods.

"Yeah, you guys looked good together but I knew you weren't satisfied. I'm so glad you didn't waste too much time on this guy. No offense." I glare at her for rubbing it in so much.

"It still hurts though."

"Yeah. It's fine, you'll be good after a while." She reaches over the counter and pats my shoulder, "Now let's talk about the real deal." She smirks again and I already know who she was talking about.

"We're not going to be anything. Caden isn't into commitments and he clearly has a girlfriend."

"But he likes you." She raises her eyebrows and I shrug.

"I don't know." I stand up and walk over to the kitchen sink. I put my empty plate in it and take Harper's finished plate and put it in as well.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I have some art work that I finished like 2 hours ago." She says and I nod. I follow her to the art room and once she opened the door I couldn't help but gasp.

Every time you go into this room there is always something different about it but now instead of pale blue walls, there were splatters of paint all around us.

And don't get me started on the painting standing in the middle of the whole room. It was absolutely breathtaking. I can tell she was thinking about her baby since the picture was of a woman with her large baby bump. The bump was see through and you could see the happy baby poking at the mother's stomach. Through the tap that the baby's finger made, a whole bunch of spirals and happy things burst out of the mother's tummy.

"Wow. Harper." I sigh and walk closer to take a closer peak, "It's beautiful."

I turn to look at her and she has tears in her eyes.

"I don't know, this picture makes me emotional. It's such a happy thing but I'm so scared." I turn back to the picture and notice how the background colors fade. The left half with the baby in the tummy was bright and lovely but the colors fade to the right as it reaches the mother's half. The mother's face had a 'scared shitless' expression and I can't help but turn back to Harper to give her a big hug.

"Don't be scared. I'm with you and we'll take care of the baby together. You're not alone. These next few months are going to be painful but it's okay." I lean back and look into her eyes. "We got this."

"god, I love you." She pulls me into another hug and sobs into my shoulder.

"I love you too."


I walk over to my locker and find Zeke over there, along with Caden. I hadn't seen him since our grand scandal and it's funny how unreal that was. The last few days really felt like home but with him, yikes, that was really different. It seemed so unreal. Like, did we really just steal like how we did?

"Hey." I smile and hug Zeke who grins as he looks up at me.

"Hey beautiful. Would it be weird if I said I'm super excited for my next class? You know after-" He starts but I stop him.

"No way. We're fine. Trust me, I thought about everything, like a lot, and I think since we're both on the same page where we can be open to each other. Just don't tell me the weird details."

"Like what?"

"You know..."

"Oh.. like sexxx." He whispers and smirks into my ear. I shove him away from me and I can't help but giggle.

"Geez, when are you leaving? I'm already over you." I say and he looks at his phone.

"Right" And he literally runs away from me after giving me a soft peck on the forehead.

"I don't like him." Caden speaks up right after he leaves.

"And I love him." I smile sweetly and I could see the twitch in Caden's face as his face goes from annoyed to neutral.

"Oh, so you guys confessed your vows and had sexx?" He whispers it into my ear and I laugh as I back away from him.

"No." I think about whether or not I should tell him and get him jealous but honestly, I'm over this, "We actually broke up."

I don't know what happened but Caden literally chokes on air and almost drops his phone.

"You guys-wait-what?" He points to where Zeke had left and to me. I can't help but laugh a little as Caden looked so confused and if I wasn't mistaken, a little brighter.

"Yeah, it was 2 days ago and he pretty much cheated on me and we confessed to each other how we both didn't want to continue this relationship. We never really were lovers, more like best friends, you know what I mean?"

"I guess so?" He turns back to his locker, "Then who am I to you?"

I lean my back against my locker and look around at the students talking and hanging out with their friends. I turn to look at him and I find him watching me. I accidentally glance down at his lips and quickly look back to his eyes. I notice the shift in his lips as he was probably smirking so I look down in embarrassment.

"You're someone I really want to figure out. Ever since I met you, I knew that you were seriously going to mess everything up, and you really did. Now I just want to know you more than anything. Everything for you is a secret and I can't help but feel helpless." I sigh and look back into his eyes. There was a specific type of emotion held in his eyes...

What was it? Pride? Joy? Nope, it was surprise.

He suddenly frowns and puts his bag over his shoulder. He shuts his locker and just leaves.

Like what?

He left?

Great, I love our conversations.



Kay wat up brothers and sistersss so I have no idea how to tell you this, but I ship Slovan and a tiny bit. But hey, sorry y'all you know the title this is just how it's going to work. I have a pretty busy day today to be honest but I just felt the need to write this...Kay bye :) Sending you guys all the love :DDDD

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