Chapter 13: Why?

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If I had a penny for each weird encounter I have, I would be rich.

After school was over I decide to walk home so I could stop at one of my favorite coffee shops, Coffee-Grind. Funny enough, I find Caden spying on someone, and not just someone, a young woman.

Was she one of his hookups? That's was my initial thought.

Until she left her table for the washroom, stupidly leaving her friend to take care of her purse. The friend didn't even pay much mind as she just kept talking to the bartender, letting Caden swipe forward and make a steal.

He ran out but not without giving me a glance. It was like it was all in slow motion as he ran and his eyes met mine. I see his eyes widen and he immediately grabs my hand, pulling me out of Coffee-grind.

"What the hell! Caden, you better give her the purse back!" I shout at him and he covers my mouth. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder to stop me from stopping him.

"Sorry love, but I need this more than she does." He whispers and he puts me into his black Porsche. His famous black Porsche.

I stay frozen for a while until I realize that I'm in the same car with a thief.


"Shh babe, I love your voice but for once could you lower it because I caused quite the commotion and I don't want anyone to hear."

"But we're in a car!"

"True, but now I don't want to hear your voice because it has been a while since I've done this and I'm freaking out in the inside."

"Well you should be! For all you know that woman could be struggling with finances." I groan and look towards him but I notice the scared expression on his face.

"I won't be taking too much, just enough to help my family. Then I'll return it back to the shop." He says with as much confidence he could manage. I try to be a little more understanding about this since I don't know much about him and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't budge even if I try to convince him to return the purse.

We have been riding for half an hour and I haven't realized how nervous I was until we reach back to my place. It confused me since my apartment isn't even that far from the shop, it shouldn't have taken half an hour. Did he take a longer route or something?

"Thanks." I say, breaking the tension.

"Yeah, no problem." He sighs and tilts his head to look at me. We both make no move because I wasn't finished with him yet, and I knew he knew that too.

"No more of this. You can't steal people's money like that Caden, it's just not right. I'll pay you for tutoring me if anything." I tell him honestly but he shakes his head.

"No, it's fine. It's just this once as I'm not doing too well. And...please forget what you saw today." He says with desperation in his eyes.

I don't know what compelled me at that moment but I nod, "I won't, but that means you won't do it again, right?"


"Okay, I'm going."

"Bye Slovan."


I open the car door but I feel him grab my wrist. I turn to him but he looked confused himself. He slowly removes his hand and nods farewell to me. I nod back and run back into the apartment.

Once I open the door I find Harper. But she wasn't alone. She was with Jerry Foster. And they were making out, on the couch, and I see clothes spread out along the floors.

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