Chapter 11: gOtTA RUn

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 I grab Harper's hand and we run out of the school. I don't bother going to my locker because this was much more important. I already knew who Harper was talking about when she cried out: 'He's back.'

I take the drivers seat and Harper curls herself up on the passenger seat. I put her seat belt on and she bursts into tears. I start to tear up as well as I ride all the way back to our apartment. I hold her hand and I take her to her room. She sits on her bed and puts her knees to her face.

She stares straight ahead and I can't help but worry. She doesn't look at anything particular but I could tell she was thinking about Max Darwell.

"I'll make some soup." I walk out of the room and take out a soup packet. I quickly stir up some soup and head back to Harper. She was still in the same position but tears were falling down her face.

"What did he do?" I ask quietly and she looks at me.

"I was at my Chem class and he was just there. I made a loud gasp and the whole class stopped and looked at me. Then he turned to me. Max fucking Darwell." She spits.

"He just looked at me with those stupid eyes that I fell in love with. I ran right out of the classroom and headed straight to yours. I waited the whole time." I give her a tight hug and she takes the soup from me.

"I hate him." She says and I nod.

"I hate him too." I comfort her for a few hours until she said she was going to sleep.

I leave her room and hear some knocks on the door. I jump in fright as I hear the lock of the door click open. I grab the broom right next to me.

Right when the person opens the door I jump out and hit him with the hard end of the broom.

"OW! WHAT THE FUCK! SLOVAN! GET OFF!" I hear him shout and I quickly get off of him.

"Oh..Sorry Zeke. I thought you were someone else." I walk away from him and head to the washroom to throw up. Being that scared caused me to throw up all the food in my system.

"Are you okay? Oh my lord." He holds up my hair as I vomit into the toilet.

After a while, I finally finish and we both leave the washroom, no words said.

We both sit on the couch and I see him look at me curiously from the corner of my eye. I look at him straight in the eye and breathe in.

"I didn't know it was you. Did I hurt you too bad?" I crawl over to him and lift his shirt slowly. I see some bruises starting to form and I bite my lip.

"Sorry." I look at him in the eyes and I realize how close we are.

But I also realized I didn't feel anything. No butterflies. Probably because I was scared out of my mind for Harper.

"I think I'm falling in love with you Slov." He tells me and I suck in a breath.

Well, that's nice to know but I mean....

I can't say the same.

"Mmmm." I try to please him by closing our space and giving him a long deep kiss.

He furthers the kiss by sliding his tongue into my mouth. My hands come up to hold the sides of his face and his hands slide under my shirt and holds my waist. Kissing was a good way to distract yourself, I tell myself. It helps.

But I knew I couldn't use him for that. Especially after what he told me.

I pull away and give him a small smile, "It's late. You should get going." I try to say slyly but he looks at me with a confused expression. He had just came and I was already ready to have him leave. But that confession caught me off guard and was starting to make me feel nervous.

"Okay. If that's what you want." He gets up rather quickly, making me roll deep into the couch. I hear a knock at the door and Zeke looks at me.

I mouth 'Broom' to which he follows and hands me the broom.

They kept knocking at the door, which meant they wouldn't go away. I groan and open the door, not without pointing the broom at whoever was at the other side.

"Woah, woah, woah, babe. It's just me." Caden says, "Unless you wanted to hit me. I don't know if you're that kind of girl."

"Hey." I breathe out a sigh of relief and drop the broom.

He looks at me confused and looks from me to an annoyed looking Zeke.

"Hey Zeke!" Caden says happily and puts out his hand for a handshake but Zeke wasn't having it. He just walks out the door without a word.

I groan, realizing what Caden had said probably had an effect on him.

"Why the hell did you have to enter saying that. He probably thinks I'm cheating on him or some shit. He literally just told me something really important." I throw my hands up to the air and Caden shrugs.

"Sorry babe. I just really like your new nickname."

"What happened with Slo?"

"You noticed I call you Slo? Well, I don't know. You kind of look like a babe. Especially now that you look like you finished having a good make out session. Your hair, puffed lips-" He ends with a whisper as he comes close and slides his thumb down my bottom lip.

I feel myself shiver as his hands slide down and cups my cheek. Why did he have such a huge effect on me.

"But why the broom?" He changes his intense expression with a curious one as he looks from the broom on the floor to me.

"No reason. Just- you know-I love cleaning?"

"Okay. But you better tell me the real reason later because I'm not going to buy this, 'I love cleaning.'"

"Yeah, yeah. So why did you come?" I ask and he looks at me surprised, but he regains his expression with a look of no expression.

"No reason. Just wanted to ask about the math test."

"Oh, well, I told you already. It was okay." I look at him curiously.

"No questions?"

"I'll ask when I get my test back." I step back from him and lean on the counter.

"And your brother? How's he?" Caden asks and I can't help but laugh. Who does he think he is? Trying to get to know me when I can't get to know him.

"What about you? How's your life going? Your girlfriend, or your family?" Caden glares at me and I look at him in disgust.

"And you think I'd open up to you." I tell him and he continues to glare.

"You're not making it easy to share." He steps closer to me and breathes in my ear.

"Get out." I say with no emotion in my face. I'm not admitting to him that he has a huge effect on me and that I can't breathe when he's this close to me. He steps back with my same expression. Before he left, he gave me one last look before closing the door.

What the fuck was that?


Ik ik this chapter was a little weird but you guys have to understand that Caden and Slovan are both very confused people who don't understand shit. Soo, be patient, things only get better ;) Love ya !

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