Chapter 18: Questions

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I wake up late to the screams coming out of my bedroom door.

"SLOVAN! WE ARE LEAVING IN 2 MINUTES WHETHER YOU'RE READY OR NOT!" Harper shouts and I cover my ears with my pillow.


2 minutes?

I jump out of my bed and rush out of my room. After 2 seconds of brushing my teeth and another 2 seconds of choosing my outfit, I manage to make it outside in front of Harper's car before she left.

"You look awful." She says and I give her an annoyed smile. I jump into the car and rip open my purse. I apply a decent amount of makeup to make myself look decent and brush my hair so the bed head wouldn't show.

I was pleased with my appearance by the time we made it to school and I rush inside before I could here another complaint from Harper.

"Love you!" I shout before I jump out the car. I spot my locker but notice the strange appearance from my one and only boyfriend. Or my boyfriend who's kind of on break, what's the term for that?

"Hi." I say awkwardly and fiddle with my lock. With my luck, Caden was right beside me, with his locker right next to mine. I groan in the inside but decide to face Zeke with as much positivity as possible.

"Hi, so about that night, I really regret what I said." He says and I give him a surprised look. It's just great how things work out, Caden is going to listen to our relationship problems.


"Oh, you do?" I shyly take my books and stuff it into my bag.

"I really do. I was thinking about you this whole weekend and I can't do this without you. You mean a whole lot to me and I'm sorry I doubted you." I look at him curiously as he speaks. Did Caden say something?

"So...are we okay? Do you want to get back together?" He asks nervously and I grin. After what Caden did yesterday, this seemed all too perfect.

"Yes, thank god, I missed you." I give him a huge hug and he laughs happily. It has seriously been too long and I really did miss Zeke. His missing presence hurt my heart, if that makes sense. He means a whole lot to me as I usually see him almost everyday.

I slowly back away allowing Zeke to lean down as he passionately kisses me. My heart starts beating rapidly in surprise and I can't help but think how wrong this was. What's wrong with me? I keep seeing Caden's ugly face.

I lean back slowly and look at Zeke. But he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at Caden, who was glaring at him. They both had an intense glaring contest and I decide to stay out of it. Zeke finally walks away and I find myself alone with Caden.

"I don't like him." He says without looking at me. He was on his phone but I doubt his full attention was on it. I pick up my bag, heave it onto my shoulder and before I could stop myself I finally respond to him.

"And I don't like her." I shut my locker and leave him alone to his thoughts.


"Princesssss..." Isaac groans and I groan along with him. The teacher gave us all a huge assignment for math and I really wasn't having it. It made absolutely no sense and you know what that means. I need my tutor! But I don't want my tutor!

"Isaac..." I groan and he chuckles.

"My name sounds hella sexy when you say it like that."

"Ugh, you're so annoying."

"But you love me." He states and I don't respond, which was probably the biggest mistake I have ever made in my entire life.

"Oh ma gawd! Princess loves me! Did you hear that Caden?" He pulls at Caden's arm and Caden just rolls his eyes.

"I bet she says that to every guy she meets."


"Fuck off Caden, I'm in a relationship and your feelings really don't matter to me right now."

"My feelings? Darling, you have to seriously get over yourself. Do you really think I have feelings for you? I have a girlfriend." He says in an obvious manner and I can't help but feel a little hurt by his comments.

"Well, that's not what it seemed like 2 nights ago."

"Your keeping count? How sweet."

"I'm seriously going to punch you Caden if you don't shut up."

"Bring it." He states and I hop off my seat.

I jumped out of my seat and grab his hair in attempt to pull his head off but that didn't work with the teacher pulling me off of him.

"Slovan! You are going to the office! And you are too Caden, get out of here!" She shouts and that's how we ended up outside our classroom door with absolute silence surrounding us.

Great. We all love some silence.

"Your fault." I state but he already starts walking to the office. I quickly run over to catch up with him and we walk into the office. We sit beside each other in silence and I can't help but laugh at the situation. Like really? What's his problem?

"It's not my fault. It's yours." He states after what seemed like forever. I was about to give a good comeback but once I turn to face him I notice he was already looking at me. Our faces were centimeters apart and I jump back. I lean the furthest I can to the edge of my chair and turn away from him.

My face was heating up and I could already tell a blush was starting to form. I bring my knees to my face and have my shoes stepping on the edge of the chair.

This is why I hate him.

"I hate you." I mumble and I hear him chuckle.

"And I hate you, love. It's your fault I'm a liar. Because this is the first time I've ever started to feel anything for anyone." I turn to look at him and notice the nervousness in his whole form.

Biting his lip, he leans his head onto his hand and groans, "I seriously hate you."

I nod in agreement and we don't talk for the rest of the day.


Well that was quite the ending amirite? Did Caden just confess he had feelings for Slovan? HMMMMMMM... Well I'll just continue sipping my coffee (I hate tea) and continue to write this never ending story :) Don't forget that I seriously love you guys!!

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