Chapter 34: First Date?

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I groan as I pull myself up out of bed.

Then I realize there was no school for another 2 weeks and go back to sleep.


"Slov. Wake up." Sean shakes me and I groan.

Wait-what the fuck-Sean?

I quickly sit up and turn to face my brother. He gives me a chuckle.

"What are you doing here?" I question him and he shrugs.

"You haven't replied to dad's request. You coming?" He points to his bag on the floor and I gape at him.

"You want me to get up this early in the morning and meet the father who practically ruined my life? Yeah right, nice seeing you Sean." I lie back down on my bed and was about to pull my blanket over myself until he pulls it right back down again.

He gives me a pointed look and I groan.

"You told me you wouldn't force me. This is kind of forcing me." I point out.

"Give him a chance Slov. You don't have to come now, you could come tomorrow or the day after."

"...I'll think about it." I finally say and he nods.

He walks around my room and I scramble to get up. I can't help but watch what and where he touches.

"I like your room. More plain, less fake." He says and I can't help but laugh.

"I had no time to decorate it, I guess." I mention as he looks through the pictures on my wall. Okay, I did have a few pictures up but that's it.

The only pictures were of me along with Harper or Zeke, our little family. I'm not the kind of person who likes to open up and make a whole lot of close friends. Sure, I have many friends but they weren't the kind of people that I saw in my future. I only saw Zeke and Harper in my future and that's why they became family to me.

I seriously need to change that.

Because after meeting Caden I realized that I should open myself up and make more close friends and meet new possibilities. With him, I was able to come to terms with my unhealthy relationship with Zeke. It may have not been the right way to find out, but I did, and I'm glad he came in.

"How's your social skills?" He turns and faces me. I was in a tang top and sweats, my hair was probably in a mess but I didn't really care at the moment.

"Not as good as yours." I wink at him and he laughs.

"So I'm guessing you still suck."

"I do."

"Talk more. Make new friends."

"Thanks dad."

"I'm not your dad. But if you want to go see him now by all -"

I put my hand out to stop him from continuing and glare at him.

"Alright, alright. I should get going. Come by okay? Tell me so I can prepare the place and send you the address." He says with his hands raised.

"Yeah, yeah." I wave my hand as a passing gesture and he rushes over to kiss my forehead. He grabs his stuff and leaves after saying his goodbyes to me and Harper, who was probably closing the door behind him.

I get up a few minutes later and find Harper in the kitchen making toast. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist. She chuckles as I start to sing 'Call out my Name' by the weeknd.

"You seem in a good mood. I finally saw your brother today and boy when I opened the door, you should've seen the look on both of our faces. We hugged and talked for like 10 minutes. I actually really missed him."

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