Chapter 41: Hey

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// We back on those regular Slovan point of views y'all ;)

"Hey." I say as I look at the face I've been yearning to see after so long.

I didn't know how much I missed him until I saw him again. I could see the emotions change in his face and I couldn't understand any of them.

"Hey..Slov, you can come in." He moves aside to let me in and I remove my shoes. We both move silently from the front door to the game room. He scratches his head awkwardly and I open my mouth to start talking but we both end up speaking at the same time.

"I'm sorry." We both say and we turn to each other in surprise. We both end up letting out a small laugh and then start looking at each other expectantly. I decide to start, since I came here first.

" really wanted to apologize. I just can't believe I tried to force you to tell me about yourself. It wasn't my right to have you tell me something so personal when you weren't ready. And then I even dropped the fact that I liked you-"

"Do you regret that?" He asks, with a desperate look in his eyes and I slowly shake my head.

"I don't think I do. It's better to let them out so I can try to get over it later." I let out a small laugh to cover up the sadness that I would have to let him go.

Caden quickly steps towards me and gives me a tight embrace. I feel the tears drip down from my face and soak into his white shirt.

"Don't get over it. Don't let me go." He says and I let out a questioning sound. He sets me back until we were face to face. His face is only inches from mine. A certain desire, admiration and seriousness were brought out in his eyes, leaving me stunned.

"I love you Slovan, it took me a while to realize it, but I seriously love you." He states and my eyes widen in surprise, "You invade my thoughts everyday do you know that? This might come out insane but I broke up with Maya yesterday and then I met up with your brother-"

"You what?" I laugh out as I start to wipe away my tears.

He loves me?

It's not even the simple feeling of liking someone. He loves me...

This was all coming out too fast and my heart kept pounding faster throughout all of this.

"Yeah, um," He scratches the back of his head again, like he always does when he's nervous, "Do you want to date me? You really don't have to if you don't want to. No pressure." He says and I laugh out loud.

"If I don't want to? Are you kidding me Caden? I would love to go out with you, you Greek god." I playfully punch his chest and he chuckles.

"You're such an idiot."

"It's okay, you love me still." I say, a little too happily.

"This was so out of my comfort zone, but I'm so glad I told you. These past two days have been hell. There was definitely a reason why I would always go to your apartment."

"You're so cheesy." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Get used to it. I don't know how to control myself around you." He says.

I grin and he smiles along with me, "I really fucking love you." He says and wraps his arms around my waist and my hands naturally goes along the back of his head as his lips meet mine. I can't believe I thought I would get over his kisses...because I don't think I ever can.

I feel my feet lift up off of the ground and I laugh out loud.

We both turn quickly as we hear the front door unlock and practically jump off of each other. We both then glance at each other to see if we've hurt each others feelings but then laugh realizing how we both did the same thing.

"I think it's an instinct." I say and he nods.

After all those times of kissing in secret, especially with both of us dating other people, we've become accustomed to do everything in private.

Caden's parents, along with Isaac, stepped into the house and I giggle at how Isaac grins from Caden to me.

"Is it just me or are you both glowing?" He asks.

I can't help but blush at his statement. I look at Caden and I couldn't believe the sight I saw. This guy was covering the bottom half of his face and looking away.

"Is Caden blushing? Oh my god, Slovan what have you done?" Sam says jokingly and I laugh along with them. Leaving Caden in his own demise.


"I'll take you home." Caden says but I shake my head.

"I brought my own car though."

"Then I'll drive you home with your car."

I smile knowing Caden probably had no intention of going home tonight. I didn't mind.

"I'm taking Slovan home." Caden calls out for his parents to hear.

"Okay, have fun!" I hear Martha shout back from upstairs.

Isaac had already went home after playing a few games with Caden, to which I watched and enjoyed all the same.

I walk out the door with Caden at my heels as we both head over to my car. I throw my keys over to him and he unlocks the car. We both head inside and he starts to drive.

The air around us was different now that we expressed our feelings towards each other. Our feelings were now out there in the open and we knew what we both wanted. I take a quick glance at Caden and I see him clench his jaw, noticing how I was looking at him. He tilts his head and his eyes meet mine for a short second before turning away from me.

His left hand was on the wheel while the other lies idly on the side of his seat. My hands were awkwardly held together on my lap and I frequently lick my lips. From the corner of my eye I notice him gulp and his right hand moves towards me.

He makes a bold move by placing his hand on my leg, slowly caressing my skin.

I look over to see him looking very calm and composed. I swallow hard as his fingers continue to make circles over my bare skin. The circles go higher, and higher and oh my god.

I have to bite back a small moan from escaping my lips because his touch brought too much pleasure. He continues tormenting me with his small circles. His eyes are still on the road in front of us, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Caden..." I murmur as we pull into the parking lot. I look at him desperately.

Great. Now I want him more than I wanted him just a few hours ago.

He helps me out of the car and grabs my hand, leading me to the apartment. We were practically dashing all the way up to the door of my apartment, my legs barely catching up with me. I was breathless by how fast we were going. When he takes the keys out of his pocket, I've never felt so relieved that I gave him the keys in the first place.

The front door clicks open.

He steps in.

I step in after him.

We look at each other, our eyes clouded with lust.

We haven't even been in the apartment for 5 seconds before Caden steps forward and meets my lips with his.


O snapppp. Looks like shits about to go down. Y'all can get ready for this next chapter, because you bet it's going to be a good one. Sending all my love :D

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