Chapter 40: Confirmation

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Caden's POV

"Hey, thanks for meeting me." I tell Sean as he walks up to me from his truck.

"No problem. I broke a promise with Slov though. She wanted me to be there with her the whole time while she was staying with our dad." He says and I nod.

"How is she?" I ask and he gives me a curious expression.

"She's fine. Why?"

"She's with her dad. I'm pretty sure she's not just fine." I say and he nods.

"So she told you? About everything?" I nod at his question and he seems surprised.

"Wow, you must be really close with her. The only other person she told this to was Harper, you know that right? She hasn't even told Zeke." He says and I can't help but feel extremely special in that moment. She trusted me with such personal information, yet I couldn't give her what she wanted.

"I guess so." I scratch the back of my head and he looks at his phone.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asks and I look around in attempt to avoid what I wanted to tell him.

"Do you remember this place, I swear it's been so long since we've been here. This used to be our usual." I say and he chuckles.

"I know... this place is very sentimental."

"It's the park where we met."

We both look around and admire the park surrounding us. There weren't many kids playing here as it was pretty dark outside. I remember how this used to be a very busy place where everyone would love to hang out. It was because this park was in the downtown area making it extremely popular. Everyone loved this place, however, all the memories I can recall from this park were more sad than happy.

"And it was more like your home." Sean sighs and I grin. I can't help but feel gratitude towards this guy. Sean is pretty much the only person who fully knows and understands my real story. I can't help but feel so grateful to even be talking with him right now. It's been so long since we've seen each other after he left to university.

"I know." We start to walk around this small little town. He pushes me onto the empty dark road and I quickly jump back onto the sidewalk.

"Don't avoid. What the hell did you want to talk about. There must've been a reason."

I sigh and finally tell him, "So I've broken up with my girlfriend today. Or, just an hour ago. Her name was Maya... I met her after a year in college."

He laughs and I look at him curiously, "You should know that I actually dated Maya before too. Damn, and all this time I thought you dated her to spite me."

Wait, what?

"Now that I think about it, Slov was always really suspicious of Maya. She'd call her a slut and Maya would call her a bitch. What the hell? You should've just told me." I start and Sean automatically starts laughing.

"I thought you knew. Maya was a really horrible experience of mine. She was the one who brought me into the party and drugs scene. If it weren't for her I wouldn't have gotten addicted to smoking."

"It was her?" I ask in surprise, knowing that at the time when I met Sean he was trying to quit smoking.

"Yeah. She also cheated on me multiple times but I was too in love with her that I didn't even care. It was a toxic relationship I tell you, and I was too young to understand what was happening. Everyone would warn me but I didn't care. After a long time of wondering why she didn't like me, I finally came to realize that it wasn't me but Maya that was the problem. I really did love her though. When I heard from a friend of mine that you were dating her I couldn't help but feel angered towards you. That was the reason why I beat you up that day."

"I thought the fight was just about your father." I sigh and he laughs.

"He was also a part of the reason, but it was mostly her. When I saw how she picked you up after the fight I couldn't help but think that she must've really liked you." He says and I shake my head.

"I highly doubt it. She never even listens to me."

"It's her personality. I remember that about her, but I actually didn't mind it. I think I know why she must've liked you. From what I remember she loves to date the nice guys but she always hooks up with the bad guys." He says.

"I guess that makes sense. When we met she thought of me as the nice guy. She didn't know I was bad until she saw me at a party. I thought she was a nice girl too so we were both surprised to see each other there."

"You must've been a lucky surprise. So, you broke up with her because she doesn't listen to you?"

"More because she doesn't care to know about me. She doesn't even ask. She just dates me because of the nasty 'bad boy' image I built for myself."

"I get that. So, what do you want me to do?"

"I want your permission." I stop in my tracks and he turns around to face me.

"For what?"

"I'm in love with your sister." I say and his eyes widen.

"Oh shit. You love her?" He asks and I nod.

"And I want to date her. I made a huge mistake the other day with her. She allowed herself to be vulnerable to me but I was stupid and couldn't give her what she wanted at the time. I thought about this the whole day and I just... I want to date her." I say and he nods while looking at the ground.

"Does she like you?"

I think about her sad face when she told me how she felt about me. I can only hope she still has those feelings.

"I think so."

"Then I guess it's fine. You're a good guy Caden, no matter how much you may think that you're the typical bad boy. I know you're smart, so I hope you treat her well. You were always one to put your whole heart into something." He says and I let out the breath I was holding.

"Thank you." I move forward and we both give each other a strong hug.

"But if you hurt her in any way-"

"I won't."


I spent the next day working and having a great time with Isaac as he finally came over to my place.

I had to use the whole day to explain to him why I broke up with Maya at the party yesterday since that seemed to be the hot topic.

And another few hours to explain to him how I felt about Slovan.

Telling people about my feelings actually made this all seem so much more real and I think I really enjoyed that.

I just needed to see Slov again. I knew she was at her dad's place but I just needed to see her. It's been too long. Even if it was only two days, I really missed her.

Isaac had left with my parents a few hours ago to watch a movie at the theater and I was alone with this aching feeling of wanting to see her.

But that all changed when I heard a soft knock at the front door.


If any of you were confused throughout all of this, these POV's from Caden were all during the time when Slov was at her dad's place. When Sean said he needed to meet with the football guys, that was when he met with Caden. That's why Sean had funny reactions when Slov was telling him about Caden lol. Hope you guys got it :) Sending all my love again hehe :DDDD

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