Chapter 16: Bring it.

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"How about we make some jiggly cheese cake?" Harper asks and I giggle at the name.

"Jiggly is such a weird word." I squirm.

"It's a nice word. Plus I bet my baby would love some."

"I can't believe your used to the fact that you have a baby growing inside of you to convince me into making some jiggly cheese cake." It tell her and she nods.

"I mean, I need to get used to the fact that I have a baby growing inside of me. So, let's make some!" She brings all the plates and ingredients together and we begin making the cake.

"Pass me the flour!" I shout and we were off.

After almost 2 hours we finally had a cake in the oven (Thank god) and we were off to the couch. I hear the door to our apartment open and I turn around with a grin.

"Yo Zeke, it's been a while." I say and he nods. He gives me a small smile and sits beside us on the couch as we continue watching vampire diaries. The show seemed perfect in Harper's eyes but for some reason I couldn't fall in love with it.

Was it just me or is the story just trying to keep itself going as they keep adding more people and more problems, it's too much.

I fall into Zeke's arms and end up falling asleep as I guess the show was that boring to me. Once I wake up I find myself alone on the couch. It was dark, but I hear voices in the kitchen, which was one wall away.

"So, what are you going to do about the baby?" I hear Zeke ask.

"I think I'm going to keep it. But, I don't want to take care of it on my own, you know? Like sure I have Slov but I mean, if I could find the father of this baby and he's okay with taking care of it then that would be more comforting." Harper replies.

"Do you have any idea who that would be?"

"I don't know. Jerry maybe? I'll figure it out." She says and I hear shuffling.

"I'm going out, you take care of Slov. If she asks, I'll be back around 11." The door shuts and I hear Zeke come into the room. I look at him and he chuckles.

"How long were you awake?" He asks and I shrug.

"I just heard you talking about the baby. Isn't it insane that in less than a year we're going to have a baby in the house?!" I squeal.

"Yeah, I know." He chuckles at my exclamation and I can't help but laugh as well.

"So how's life going by?" I ask.

"It's going pretty nicely. I've been meeting a lot of new people and it's just been great."

"Who and how?"

"My weird journalism class is doing this thing where we go around town and meet other students and I was able to meet a lot of new people. There's this guy named George, another guy named Alex and a girl called Josy."

"That sounds sweet. I've literally had nothing special happen within these few weeks."

"Except for Caden." He says and I raise my eyebrows. I lean closer to him and my face is inches from his.

"Are you jealous?" I whisper into his ear and he chuckles.

"You already know." I look into his face and I notice his face turn a little red. I can't help but smile sweetly knowing I had an effect on him, but that scared me.

Because he had no effect on me.

"He's nothing to me." I tell him and lean downwards to place my lips on his. It was slow and sweet but I could sense the hesitation in him. I try to deepen the kiss but he doesn't allow me as he stands up and puts his hands up in the air.

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