Chapter 4: I'm not stupid

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"Slovan would you mind meeting me after class?" I hear my math teacher call out and I groan from my desk.

"Oooo looks like princess is in trouble." Isaac mocks me and I glare at him.

"Shut up." I say.

Caden looks at me curiously and I stare back him right dead in the eye.

"Anything you want to say?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Nope, nothing at all." He replies smugly, making me groan once again and flop onto my desk. I knew what this was going to be about. Of course, my math grades suck and I seriously need to do better if I want to pass. I just hope my math teacher wouldn't kick me out before I get the chance to do something about my grade.

Once the bell rang everyone left quickly, leaving me and Mrs. Sampson alone.

"I feel like you already know why I called on you to stay back." She says and I nod.

"I know, I haven't been doing well but I swear I'll do my best with all that I have." I plead with her and she shakes her head, leaving me shattered. Was she really going to kick me out?

"Look, darling, I do like you so I'm going to be nice and help you out here. How about I recommend you a tutor?" She says and I shake my head.

"I don't really have the money for a tutor at the moments Mrs."

"No this will be free of charge. How about I let one of our smart math students help you out, I'm sure they wouldn't mind." She takes out a folder and looks through the names.

"I don't think anyone would want to help if there is no payments involved." I point out but she shakes her head as she gives an evil smirk.

"But there is one student in particular that I feel that he wouldn't mind about payments."

"Really?" I look at her curiously and she grins at me.

"Really." She confirms and continues, "I'll have him meet you by the end of the day today at the library. You'll know who it is once you see him."

"Him?" I ask and she nods.

"I'll see you tomorrow Slovan."

"I'll see you too?" I slowly walk out of the classroom with a smile creeping onto my face. Looks like my math teacher actually likes me, even though I've been failing practically everything in her class.

"Why are you smiling?" Zeke asks and I shake my head.

"It's nothing. How was class?" I ask him and he grins.

"It was fun today. The teacher put us into these groups and we worked on random stuff."

"Sounds nice."


After dance practice, I head to the library in my black sweats and and white crop top. My hair was put into a loose bun because my hair looked nasty when it was down, since all the sweat had practically ruined my hair.

I sit at the only desk I fully remember. The one that me and Zeke had written messages on. All the messages were all gone as the janitor had probably cleaned it down. I sit there on my phone for the next half an hour until I hear the chair in front of me screech backwards and someone plops them self on it.

"Hey." I look up curiously and find someone I would've never thought would end up in a library.


"Hey?" I say questioningly.

"Don't ask why I'm here, I know that's already what you're thinking."

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