Chapter 17: Dangerous

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I wake up to a nice scent beside me. I turn and find myself sleeping beside Caden. I shriek and slide away from him.

"Morning love." Caden says and I shiver. I notice his shirt was off and I quickly glance down to find that my clothes were still on. Then I remember it.

His hot kisses.

Breathes mixing together.

His moans.

I feel myself grow red and quickly get up from the bed. "Thank goodness we didn't go too far. We're dating people for christ's sake." I say to myself and he looks at me with a smirk.

"Right, sorry, I don't know what got into us yesterday. Except for that statement you made. I'm the tutor, you're the student babe. What was that question again?" He asks and I roll my eyes. I don't know what got into me yesterday, honestly. Did I really say that?

He gets up, walks out of my room and I quickly walk after him. He shrugs his shirt on and once he reached the door he gave me one last look.

"We shouldn't do this again." He says and I nod slowly against his intense glare. Sure, that really hurt, but this was something insane and I completely disagreed with the thought of cheating.

"Never." I say and he smirks at me.

"Could you handle that?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Of course I can, could you?" I ask and he smiles.

"Never." And he leans down to give me one last longing kiss. I sigh against him and he gently holds my back before I could stumble. He finally lets me go and I find myself missing him so much more. He looks me up and down and I look at him curiously.

"Beautiful." He mumbles before walks out the door, leaving me with a completely red face.


"He's totally into you!" Harper squeals and I cover my ears. Harper came back and I explained to her the whole awful situation. I can't help it, but my heart skips a beat when she tells me that.

"But it's too bad we can't continue."

"And why is that?" She asks, clearly annoyed.

"Because we're dating other people!" I say exasperated. He was still clearly into his girlfriend if he just walked out of my room like that.

But the look in his eyes, his sweet ass comments...What the actual fuck.

"Did you guys like... do it?" She asks and I shake my head.

"We didn't. I don't really remember how it ended but I know that I was too tired to continue." I say and Harper laughs.

"That really sounds like you." She says and I nod. I smile and look from her face to her stomach. Her stomach didn't show any bump yet, obviously since it was too soon, but I knew, a baby was on it's way.

"Jerry?" I ask and she looks away from me.

"I haven't seen him in a while. I'm honestly kind of scared to see him anyways." She says and I sigh.

"I get it, but don't let the baby scare you away from people you like. Jerry's a good dude Harper. Now I have to get going, I have work today." I tell her and she nods.

"I'll see you later babe." She says and I nod.

"Bye bye honey." I sing and she laughs.

"You're gross."

I run out the door and quickly dash out to my car. Once I sit in I take a deep breath and control my breathing. Just the thought of Caden gets me heated. I start up the car and try not to think of Caden's shirtless body.

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