Chapter 32: Bowling

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"So, what are you like Slovan?" Alex asks me and I shrug, a little surprised that he wants to get to know me.

We were all in our own booth at the bowling alley. Just as Zeke was taking his shot, Alex decided that this was the perfect time to ask me a question.

"I have no idea what I'm like. I'm just me? I guess?" I say a little unsure myself. That was a pretty vague question if you ask me.

"Sorry, I'll rephrase that, what do you want to do when you're older?" I immediately smile to his question. The thought of my future was already so exciting.

"I want to be a choreographer. It's been my dream for a while."

"That's cool. Much more interesting than the typical jobs that people are saying. Makes me feel like you're more real? Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, I guess it does. But I mean, real people might actually like doing those typical jobs." I shrug and he nods in agreement.


"Are you a drug dealer?" I get straight to the point since I've wanted to ask him that for a while now. After Zeke had said he might've been one, I was really curious.

His eyes widens and he smirks, "You want some drugs?"

"No, no."I put my hands out in a stop motion as that wasn't what I was going for, "I just...I had a weird drug dealer vibe coming from you."

"Well I am...I just...I'm trying to let that go." He says and I nod in understanding. I could tell that for him to open up like that was hard for him as he looked pained when he told me that.

"I get it." I say and notice how everyone had went silent. Zeke was still trying to find the right position to throw the ball, oblivious to the seriousness coming from both Josy and George. They sat opposite to us and I notice the both of them give Alex a sympathetic smile.

I feel like the three of them had a long history that they never really share with others. All of them seemed to have their own dark pasts.

"Josy? Want to go?" Zeke comes back and everyone goes back to their normal smiley faces. Josy grins at Zeke and she stands up.

"Help me?" She smirks up at Zeke and he chuckles. They both walk off and I started to feel bad for Zeke.

He had no idea that his friends have their own secret lives.

"Why don't you tell Zeke?" I murmur and George looks up at me with sad eyes.

"It's not that we don't want to...I think we just want Zeke to be our only safe friend that has no idea what we've done. He still thinks good about us. But, it's mostly Josy's idea since she doesn't want him to know what she's, or what we've all done...or are still doing." George says and I sigh.

"I think you guys are underestimating him. I've known Zeke for a long time and he is honestly the greatest and most understanding person you could ever meet." I say this but I know I'm being very hypocritical. I haven't even told Zeke about my own past. It's not that I don't trust him, I just never really had the time since we split.

"Tell Josy." Alex says and he looks up. I follow his gaze as we all watch Josy and Zeke having their own fun little time.

If they're going to happen, I need to help encourage them to open up about themselves.


We were all in the parking lot, laughing at the stupid stories George and Alex were sharing.

I silently pull Josy away from them and she gives a questioning look, along with a glare.

"He's not yours anymore." She says and I give her a laughing smile.

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