Chapter 45: Fear

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Me and Harper used the last few days of our holiday binge-watching TV shows and hanging out with our own boyfriends. It was so insane how it all ended up this way since it was only a few months ago when it was just me in my unhappy relationship. Now it's the both of us living it up.

I wake up late today, which already makes me grumpy as I have school to go to. I didn't want to be late but I end up rushing like I always end up doing. I quickly did some light makeup, put a loose bun and dressed myself in some navy overalls with a black and white striped shirt.

I dash out of my apartment door and head straight to my car. Soon, after a 5 minute drive, I make it to school and to my locker. There, lying on my own locker, was none other than Zeke.

"Oh my god." I mutter to myself before I run over and give him a bear hug, "It's been way too long!" He hugs me back and we both take a moment to relish this marvelous hug.

"Is it bad that I feel jealous?" I hear Caden ask, standing at his locker like always.

"Nope, it's fine." I say and let go of Zeke, who has a confused expression.

"You guys...wait...are you guys dating?" He asks and I nod with a grin on my face. He looks from Caden to me, and breaks into a small smile.

"You look happy. I accept." He says and holds my cheek.

"Nope, you're not allowed." Caden pushes Zeke's hand off of my face and I roll my eyes.

"Leave him alone Caden. We're literally just best friends." I say and he crosses his arms.

"You're telling me that both you and your ex are 'just friends'?"


"Fine, then I'll have Maya and I become 'just friends'. I'll hug her and kiss her on the forehead like how Zeke always does." He says and my eyes widen. He soon lets out a small laugh before patting my head, "I'm joking baby. You've already stolen my heart anyways."

"You cheesy fuck." I roll my eyes and can't help but smile at the ground.

"I'm going to go... See ya Slov. Take care of her Caden." Zeke says before nodding at me and quickly jogging towards the other hall.

"Great, now you scared him off."

"Good." He leans forwards and captures my lips with his. It was a slow kiss but with so much power and passion. I breath in roughly before I wrap my hands around the back of his neck and his arms wrap around my back. He walks forward and presses my back against the closed locker beside mine.

"Ahem." A female voice, coming from behind Caden, coughs and I push him off of me. I take a peek at who it was and I already wasn't feeling it.

"Bitch." Maya greets me and I nod.


"Hey." Caden says calmly, but you can tell he was out of breathe. I don't know why but it made me feel really hot inside, knowing I could do that to him. Out of breath, excited, and in love. These were all the feelings that I can make him feel.

And that is fucking insane.

"Can we talk about that night? I feel like it was all in the heat in the moment and I just really want to fix up what happened." She says and I notice the plead in her voice. I realize how her makeup wasn't done and she seemed to be wearing the same outfit for days. For some reason it made me feel sympathy for her.

I mean, imagine being in her place. You have a hot boyfriend and you think things are going well until you find out he was cheating on you and hanging out with another girl. He then ends up falling for the other girl and dumps you.

Just like what my mom did with my dad.

I push Caden forward and he turns to me with a confused look. I felt like my breathe got knocked out of me so I look up at Caden with a sad smile.

"Talk to her. I have to get to class." I say while looking into his confused eyes. I push between them and dash to my next class, which just so happens to be math.

I run in and and take a seat beside Isaac, who was on his phone. I lay my head on my desk and have my arms wrap around myself.

"I did something bad Isaac." I say and he looks up at me.

"What happened princess?"

"I stole Caden. I stole him away from his girlfriend." I say and he gives me a disbelieving look.

"Are you kidding me? You saved him from a bad relationship." He says but I shake my head.

"You should've seen her. She had no makeup, her hair wasn't done like it usually is, and her clothes literally look worn out. She would never do that, unless Caden meant everything to her." I say but he shakes his head.

"Caden meant a lot to her, I know that. I mean she never cheated, that's one huge thing. But in my opinion, I don't think she ever really cared for him. Everything was always about her. She's never even asked about Caden, from what he's told me. Their relationship was pretty much either about her or just physical."

"But that's not fair. She never chose to be a chatterbox."

"I guess so. But the thing is she'd always cut him off, it was that bad. I think she just liked the idea of him, with his good looks and bad boy image. She never thought he would leave her either, since her relationships always ended with her breaking up with them. I think it's also all the attention and hate people are giving her. She's probably going to be forever known as Caden's ex."

"You're making me feel bad for her." I groan and he laughs.

"Caden needs someone to take care of him and that's why you're so great for him. He needs you, and I'm pretty sure you need him. From what he's told me, you seem to have interest in him and what he's like. He likes you Slov, you have no idea. He literally thinks about you all the time, you guys are honestly meant to happen."

"Watch when we break up and you're just wrong."

"I might be, but I'm pretty sure you're much different than any girl Caden has ever been with. He was so confused, it was actually kind of adorable. And look at that, it's the talk of the hour," He looks up and over to Caden who walks through the door right when the bell rang.

Caden quickly takes a seat beside Isaac. He looks at me with concern but I give him a small fake smile before turning away.

Why the hell am I so scared?



I'm feeling sick todayyyyy but I'm so fucking ready for school to be over! How was this chapter btw? Slov seems a little scared, don't she. Well, I hope everything works out. Love YAAA!!!

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