Chapter 8: In my shoes

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Once my last class was over I head over to my locker and don't find Caden there today.

What a surprise.

I open my locker and put my stuff in my bag until I heard the whispers from people around me.

"Did you hear? There's a fight going on outside."

"Who's fighting?"

"It's Caden obviously.""

"That guy is always up to no good."

People continue to whisper but I stopped listening. Caden was in a fight? I quickly zip up my bag to rush out the door. Once I reach the huge crowd of people, I push through. I was curious as hell, as to what was going on.

I reach the front and find Caden fighting with a guy in a black hoodie. His hood was on so I couldn't see who it was. I suck in a breath when I see the damage done on Caden, but I could tell the other person was suffering much more damage as he could barely walk.

It made me sick how people were cheering for this and I feel my eyes grow wet. This scene was so scary and made me think, is this seriously what the world has come to?

I decided to stop the fight once and for all but instead of me, someone else did.

"STOP!" I turn to find Caden's girlfriend run over to Caden. I sigh inside.

Of course, it shouldn't be me stopping it. I don't even know the guy.

"Slovan?" I turn away from them and look at the guy in the black hoodie.

And he wasn't just any random  guy.

I knew who he was just by the color of his eyes. Hazel.

"Sean?" I cry and run towards him. I immediately give him a strong hug but drop my hands when I realized he was injured.

"I missed you so much." He sighs in my hair and I start to sob.

The crowd around us start to disperse and I look at him with a sad smile.

This was my brother Sean, who was taken away from me 5 years ago from my parents divorce.


We left each other soon after we just reunited as his friends had to take him back to the hospital. I would've came but he insisted that we should talk later when he was in a better condition. We traded numbers before we left and I couldn't be happier.

I ran home to tell Harper but when I open the door I find Caden leaning on the wall opposite to the door. I suck in a breath when I see all his injuries.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him but he glares at me.

"I'm tutoring you."

"Yeah, but you are in terrible condition. Didn't your girlfriend want to take you to the hospital?"

"Yeah, no, I don't do well in hospitals. Harper just left by the way." He tells me but I shake my head as if he were insane.

"You're bleeding."

"And you're not. We all have our differences. So why don't we have a nice fun talk inside of your room. You can take your sweatshirt off and we can do our work." He says and I scoff.

"Yeah, well I guess I have some bandages." I ignore him and head to the washroom cabinets. I find some ointment and bandages. I have no idea how to use these so I hope this goes well.

I take him to the couch where he lies down. I kneel down on the floor and start getting the stuff.

I slowly rub the ointment on where it should be and cover up his wounds with the bandages. You could say this was pretty intimate but the only question going through my head was what was going on between him and my, practically long lost, brother?

He sits up and I find myself in an indecent spot, right in front of you know what I mean.

I quickly get up and sit cross legged beside him, facing his direction. He does the same and we look at each other for a bit. It wasn't awkward, I think we were just trying to see through each other.

"How do you know him?" He asks me and I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"Who? mean Sean. He' brother." I say quietly and he shakes his head.

"But that doesn't make sense. He never told me he had a sister. I've been to his place so many times but you were never there." He looks at me with disbelief. I had no intention of telling the truth yet because I wanted him to be honest with me first.

"We weren't really close. I usually stayed with Harper." I state innocently but I can tell he doesn't believe me. I was a pretty bad liar.


"So... what's up with you guys?" I try to ask slyly but I could tell he was struggling with the thought of telling me. He stands up and puts his hands to the back of his head.

"Why does that matter? We're just study buddies." He groans and gets up to walk around the room. I watch him as he walks and I couldn't help but notice his facial expression. I know he went through a lot but it scared me how much he might be struggling.

"Maybe because he's my brother?"

"Just mind your own business!" He shouts and my eyes widen in surprise.

"You're over reacting."

"I'm leaving." He picks up his jacket and I get up quickly. He starts walking to the door but I grab his arm and push him up against the wall.

"Look Caden. You're staying whether you like it or not because no matter what, you're my tutor and I need help for the test tomorrow. Sure, you've got personal problems and whatever but that doesn't matter now, okay? Let's just study." I slowly lean away from him and he looks at me in wonder.

"We're just studying." He leaves me and walks into my room.

Can't wait to study!





How was this chapter y'all. This was shorter than my usual but hey, there are a whole bunch of chapters awaiting! Have a great day guys and peace out :D

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