Chapter 5: Full of Surprises

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Once I reach home I throw my bag on my couch and find Harper in the kitchen drinking punch. I quickly run over to her with a nervous face.

"Harper! I'm going to do something insane!"

"Like what? Oh my god! Are you going to have sex?" Harper looks at me wide eyed and I give her a disgusted look.

"No, no. Well, kind of, similar idea though. I'm going to make out with Zeke." I tell her. Harper rolls her eyes and looks at me with an annoyed look.

"You guys are dating. You're supposed to be making out with each other. Oh no, did you guys not kiss yet?!" She looks at me horrified and I shake my head.

"No, we've kissed, but I don't know. It's not enough."

"Good. It shouldn't be enough. Is he coming here?" I nod at her question and she grabs her purse.

"Okay, I'll leave you two alone. Don't be awkward and make it natural. Wait, do you even know how to make out with somebody?"

"Shit. I don't know." I put my hands to my head, already frustrated.

"Okay, well then I have to teach you now don't I." She walks over and full on kisses me. I decide against my right thought and accept her kiss, because I seriously needed to know how to do this.

Harper's hands wrap around the back of my head and she kisses me passionately. Her tongue slides into my mouth and we continue to make out until I finally got it, which is when I push her away.

"I got it!" I tell her and she grins.

"Okay good, now I'm going to do that with another dude at this party. Preferably Jerry." She says. I was caught of guard and look at her fully.

"How many times have you guys hooked up?"

"Just twice. We aren't anything serious, trust me. He's just a hook up." She tells me, but for some reason I feel like she's convincing herself that. I mean, 'preferably Jerry'? She clearly took a liking for the guy.

"Okay then." I look at her for a while longer, "Wait... did we really just have a full on make out session a few seconds ago."

"You bet we did." She winks at me and I smirk.

"Try not to catch feelings."

"Ha! You're a funny one. I'm already tired of your sorry ass."

"But you love me."

"I do and I don't know why." She looks at me with a mocked confused expression.

We hear the doorbell ring and Harper quickly opens the door, which was right behind her. I could already see the smirk on her face as she finds Zeke right in front of her.

"Hey Zeke. I might as well tell you, your girl is a great kisser." Harper says and my jaw drops.

"You did not just say that." I say out loud and she smirks at me while Zeke comes in with a confused expression.

"And how would you know that?" Zeke looks unsurely from Harper to me. Once his eyes meet mine, his eyes widen.

"Ooo, Slov, your hair. You look like you just came out of a full on make out session with me." Harper says and I glare at her.

"This was Harper's idea. She wanted practice for this guy she likes." I say and Zeke slowly nods.

"Well, I'm going to go. You guys have fun." Harper rushes out the door leaving me and Zeke behind.

"So. Um. Let's watch a movie?" I say and Zeke nods with a chuckle.

"Sure." He responds and we both head over to the couch and I pick up the remote. We finally decide on White Chicks.

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