Chapter 48: Suck

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"Look, I'm sorry. I thought you had it all under control." Caden says once we reach the car. We both get inside and I sigh.

"I know, but I was so fucking scared. I thought we were going to get caught Caden." I lean over and rest my head on the deck of the car. His hand rubs my back slowly and carefully, helping me calm down over that crazy ordeal. I'm supposed to never see them again.

"I'm sorry." He says honestly.

"It's okay." I sigh and look at him with a small smile, "I was pretty good though right?"

He grins, "You were too good."

He starts the car and we make our way to McRonalds. After about 10 minutes, we enter into their parking lot. We both leave the car and head straight into it. Everyone looks our way and I realize how we were probably not dressed normally for some burgers.

I look at Caden nervously because of the stares and he smiles adoringly at me, "Let them stare. We're as beautiful as it is."

I lean into him still and he wraps his arm around me. Once we make it to the front, we embarrassingly order our food and sit at a clean table.

"This is so weird." I comment and he shakes his head.

"This is good." He munches on his burger and gives me a thumbs up. I laugh a little and unconsciously pat his head. He looks up and I quickly remove my hand, making me embarrassed again.

"I like seeing you like this. Embarrassed and all. It's much better than your snarky self." He chuckles at my glare and I kick him in the shin, under the table.

"OOF!" He jumps and leans down to pat his poor leg. I burst out laughing at the noise he made and this time he glares at me. I smile innocently.

His phone suddenly buzzes and I take a peek.

Random Number: 'There's an emer-'

He snatches the phone and reads the full message. His eyes widen and he begins to apologize multiple times leaving me stunned and confused.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Could we end a little early?" He asks quickly. I nod vigorously as something serious must've happened.

We both run out of McRonalds, not forgetting to bring our leftovers. It was difficult since I had heels on as it made running even harder for me. We get inside the car and Caden starts it quickly.

He drives faster than usual and we finally reach my apartment. I notice the sweat that began to form on his forehead. He looks at me with a sad and freaked expression. I slowly grab hold of his hand.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" I ask. He looks down and soon looks back into my eyes before asking an intense question.

"How long are you willing to wait for me?" He asks and my eyes widen.

"You're leaving?"

"I don't know."

"Caden!" I whine and his expression becomes sad as he holds my cheek.

"I love you so much Slovan, you don't even know. I don't know if I'm allowed to even ask if you'll wait for me as that's pretty selfish. So...if I take too long and you fall out of love, you can do whatever you please. But remember that I love you."

"What the hell is this Caden?!" I question, frightened.

"Trust me. I'll see you later." He smiles, his mouth twitching, "I have to go quick."

I nod slowly after seeing his stern unchangeable expression, "Okay. I will see you later." I say sternly but he doesn't reply, still giving me a small wishful smile. He finally replies in a sad manner.

"Bye Slov."

"CADEN! Don't be like that." I say and he laughs.

"What else should I say?"

"Say you love me."

"I love you Slov." He says and I close my eyes. I open them and look back to his sad face.

"I love you too, I don't think I can ever move on from you, so please come back." I say and he looks down with a small smile. My hand raises as I hold the side of his face. I pull him to face towards me.

I lean forward and give him a slow goodbye kiss.I have no idea what the hell is happening but he better not be leaving me for too long. We literally just started dating a few months ago and had just reconnected today. I feel a tear slip down his face and I lean back quickly.


"I don't know how long I'll be gone. But I'm seriously going to miss you." I lean my forehead against his forehead and nod.

"I'll miss you too. Sorry, I'll go now." I turn away and open the car door. He grabs my hand before I leave the car.

"I love you."

"Much better." I smile sadly at him and nod, "I love you too."

I leave the car with tears running down my face. His sadness brought so much pain and fear to my heart. How long will he be gone? What was even going on? I run into my apartment, scared for whatever was going to happen.



But this chapter is pretty strong as it is so sorry boys and girls, this is all you get. KAY have a great day and remember I love you all :D

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