Chapter 22: Diamonds

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"How do I look?" I ask Harper and she smirks.

"You look hot as hell."

After returning from the weird dark house, Caden dropped me back home where I could find something nice to wear. I assume he went to go find a nice tux to wear as well. I was able to fill in Harper with a little bit of information.

She thinks I'm just going for a party with Caden, which was true, but the most important part was that we were about to pull a huge scandal. I was extremely nervous but I knew we could pull it off if we were careful enough.

I was in a silk backless dark blue dress. It was able to show off all of my curves and I have to admit, I looked pretty darn good. Harper offered me her most nicest dresses and I will forever be grateful to her.

After about an hour, the doorbell rings and I rush over to open it.

"Hey." I say and look him over. He was basically the epitome of the perfect looking man. I have no idea why I am here, right now, with him. His black tux was tight on his arms and made him look muscular and handsome. His hair was a little more put together and his eyes were shining as he gazes at me.

"Hey." He seemed breathless as he also looks me up and down. I start to grow hot and flustered but I bring out my confidence and grin.

"I know, I look good." I smirk and spin around.

"Hell yeah you look good. You look absolutely perfect." He still seemed a little dazed and I can't help but grab his hand. His compliment really left me hot.

"We're going to be late." I whisper and he smiles.

"At least I have a good reason to be late. I could sit and admire you for days. No, for years." He says and I just get more embarrassed.

"Shut up. Let's go." I say and I pull him out of my apartment, "Bye Harper!"

"Bye hottie!" She shouts back.


We parked right in front of the banquet hall.

"Okay, let's review and make sure you got the plan." Caden says and I nod.

"We go in there, blend in, make friends and all that. Then after about an hour or so we get started. The blueprint said that the door to your prize is locked so we need one of the security guards' key card, which I can get. Then I pass you the key card and you head in the room. My job is to make sure the cameras are off too. My brother was a hacker so I know some shit." I state and he grins.

"I picked a great partner. A hot one too."

"Shut up..." I pause and look down shyly, "I didn't get to say... but you look good too." I say, in attempt to make it fair. I'm never the one to really compliment people but he kept telling me how good I looked and I might as well give him another boost of confidence.

"I know I do." He says and I glare at him, "but thank you babe."

I roll my eyes with a small smile. We both walk out of the car and head into the banquet. Once we walked in, I couldn't help but feel impressed. This place looked like it just came out of a fairy tale. Caden guides me into the hall and we find a good looking guy who was taking the names of everyone before they could go in. That alone freaked me out.

I look at Caden with a freaked out expression but he shrugs.

"Distract him?" He asks and I nod.

"Hello sir, what might your name be?" The guy asks and Caden begins scanning the list of guests that was written on a sheet of paper on the desk that the man was using.

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