Chapter 19: Rhythm

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I look at my phone one last time before heading into the dance room.

Ever since I've gotten my brother's phone number I haven't really had the chance to contact him...or more like I was just terrified to contact him. But I have no idea why. Sure, I've called him for Harper's situation but, I haven't called him to just call him...

I hesitate to tap the call button but I decide to shut off my phone because I knew nothing good can come out of a rushed conversation, since I had a class to go to.

I join my 2 friends Shay and Marlene as we gather to get changed.

"How was your weekend?" I ask Marlene and she gives a small smile. My jaw literally drops.

"Marlene! What! Who!" I gasp and Shay jumps in beside me as she notices something was totally off with Marlene's response.

"I swear it's nothing. Just...I started talking to this guy from another school and he's also really into dance. We just happened to bump into each other when I went to the park the other day. He was really sweet and whatever. I'm babbling aren't I." She shies away and we grin.

"You totally weren't babbling Marly. If this guy makes you happy, I like this new thing." Shay says and I nod along with her.

"Then let's dance you losers. Stop looking at me like that." She giggles adorably, making us laugh along with her.

We head into the dance room and I was able to take away all my troubles and solely rely on the music to help me out. After this whole strange day where Caden glared at Zeke and kind of told me how I made him feel things, I can't help but feel too many emotions. He is seriously messing with my brain and I can't seem to stop thinking about him.

Which is why I hate him.

Ever since that scene in math class everyone had been giving me strange suspicious looks and I completely understand, like what is this random girl trying to do with Caden, the school's typical 'bad boy'.

He's the fucking bad boy! And he is my hot ass tutor! And he has some sort of feelings for me!

My life used to be the typical normal life with the perfect boyfriend and best friend who would support me throughout my whole life.

Now my feelings for Zeke are seeming more nonexistent and my best friend is pregnant!

And to make things weirder, my brother appeared, beating up Caden of course, and Max is going to our school!

I put a hand to my head in attempt to calm myself down. This was honestly too much to handle but it's okay, not every person's life can be way too regular. This just made it not boring, if that makes sense.

The class sadly ended and I was chugging my water bottle when Shay walks over to me.

"So, obviously I hear things, and what is this about you and Caden? A lot of things are seeming to happen between you guys." Shay asks and I roll my eyes. I already knew Shay was the biggest gossiper in town and I didn't really mind her much, but when it comes to this, I feel like this was a whole different story that I should keep to myself.

"Yeah, his locker is beside mine and he's my friend in math class. You know Isaac right? He's friends with Caden too so we just ended up being a trio for math class. Just friends I swear, because I know you're going to say something like he's way too hot to be a friend."

"You get me," She nudges me and I smile, "but seriously girl, if you're looking for friends, stay away from this guy. He isn't your 'normal' friend. I heard some nasty stuff from the people and I'm not liking any of it. I mean he's practically 'wanted' from so many people, it's why he leaves so much."

"I know Shay, don't worry about me. He's just an annoying companion that I have to somehow tolerate." I convince her, or try to convince myself.

He's done so many bad things, but why do I still want him?

"Okay, he better. I'll be going then, I have some shit to do. See you tomorrow! Don't forget about the project!" Shay shouts and waves as she walks away. I wave at Marlene too as she was right by the doors and finish packing my stuff.

I walk out the school doors and hear shouting from the parking lot. The school was over and empty so who could possibly still be here?

"You shouldn't be here!" I hear and recognize the voice immediately. It was Caden.

"Shut the fuck up Caden, it's funny how you're the one saying it. You were never even supposed to be living like this! Since when did you even find money to pay for college!" I peek out the corner of the building and find both Caden and Max in an intense argument.

"I have a family now. A real one. Something you won't ever have." Caden says the last statement quieter but I'm sure Max heard it. That must've hit a nerve.

Max shoves him back and gives a few punches, "I never chose this Caden! I never did! You know that!"

"But I know you chose to hurt her! That Harper girl! You're a fucking rapist!"

I gasp under my breath. He knew?

"How? Only Sean knew. He was the one who ruined it all for me." Max says sadly. Now my brother is in this? What the hell?

"We talked a few days ago. She really didn't deserve that. I'm glad you got that psychiatrist to fix you up." Caden nods at Max but Max continues to glare at him.

"Look Caden. This isn't about me, it's about you, because I know you're talking with Slovan. Could you just put a good word in for me. I'm a better person."

"Says the one who yelled at me a few seconds ago saying that I'm not supposed to be here."


"No. I don't like you Max so leave me, my girl, and her best friend alone." He starts to walk towards my corner and I quickly turn away. I look for a place to escape but it was just a whole open field. The door!

I quickly dash before he could spot me and shove open the door. He made it just to see the open door and the sound of my running. I could hear him shout and run up so I decide to run quicker but I was only slowing down.

Damn my unfit self.

"So you heard everything didn't you." Caden whispers behind me and I turn to look at him. We were about a meter away from each other. As much as I wanted to close that space between us, I couldn't, because I'm dating Zeke.

I like Zeke.

"You know about Harp and talk to my brother. Max is still a fuck up. Nothing much that's useful." I say and he nods.

"It just seems like we are more connected than we think we are." He states.

"No shit." I walk closer to him and give a small smile, "And since when was I your girl?"

He sucks in a breath and looks away from me, "I thought it was better to say that than 'my friend'. I didn't want him bothering you."

"Aww, look at you." I raise my hand in attempt to pinch his cheek but he grabs my hand and looks at me seriously.

"My girl friend is waiting for me. See you, ba-Slovan." He says quickly and rushes out of the school.

I hold my hands together and think about his hand holding mine.

I can't help but think about how our hands fit each other's perfectly.

I squeak by myself as I realize how fucking cheesy I'm being. He makes me so annoying. I dash out the school door and rush home before another thought of Caden would haunt me.

Ha, I wish.


Hiya! I'm enjoying writing guys! I hope y'all are enjoying this story so far because I'm honestly scared if I'm showing Caden too much... Y'all warn me if I do that. I love you guys so please live life to the fullest. I haven't been having a good few days and I really hope other people don't feel like how I feel ... Kay BYE LOVE YOUUU!!!

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