Chapter 2: Strange

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Something was different today.

Walking through the halls of school was quite strange as everyone seemed to be on edge. Other students would be looking around as if they were trying to find something, or maybe more specifically, someone.

"What's going on today?" I ask Zeke who's standing beside me in front of my locker.

"Word's going around that this schools 'main dude' is back in town. Apparently he's well known for doing crazy shit." He looks at me with a smug look while I raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"Well, that's just another person who's on my list of: never going to end up talking to or meeting anytime soon." I say with a shrug and he chuckles.

"How long is your list Slov? Your not much of the talker."

"You already know." I wink and he grins.

"Well, I better get going. I need to meet up with someone before I head to class. I'll see you." I didn't have a chance to respond before he kisses me and leaves.

"Bye?" I say to myself as I watch his disappearing figure.

"Hi." I jump as I hear a deep voice behind me. I turn around and become face to face with the most gorgeous looking man I've ever seen.

Sorry-I mean- second gorgeous man.

Oh, who am I kidding? This man was fucking hot.

"Hello?" He asks with a smirk and waves a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry.. hi?" I say awkwardly, knowing I was probably ogling over this guy, not so discreetly.

"Your in front of my locker." He points out. I nod slowly and walk away quickly. It's been a while since I've had an awkward encounter. I head over to my first class this morning, which just so happens to be Math.

I've decided to take this course just for the sake of it, you know, to be smart. But now that I'm in it, Math has seriously become my biggest regret. All the tests I've been getting back had been below 50's which is definitely not the kind of marks I need. Every time the teacher is talking she always looks at me to see if I'm paying attention.

Okay, so there are times when I'm not able to pay attention, but I feel  it's just natural to not always be able to focus, right? I zone out a lot.

But today was different. He was here.

The guy I had just ran away from was here.

And everyone seemed shook. Literally.

Once he walked in, everyone stopped to look at him. Probably because of his extremely good looks but I was wrong when the guy seated beside me shouted:

"Caden! The guy of the hour!" Isaac shouted. I look at him in surprise and he grins towards me.

"Why so shocked princess?" He asks and I turn away from him with scowl on my face, to which he laughs at.

Caden walks over to Isaac and they do their little bro handshake. I face the teacher who is paying no attention to the chaos that had erupted in the class. Everyone was talking excitedly amongst themselves while I stare straight into the wall.

"Where have you been dude?" I hear Isaac ask.

"I've been around. It's been a weird few months." The guy- Caden answers.

"Well, you've missed out on a lot. I mean this girl here has taken your spot while you were out." Isaac says and I turn to him with a glare.

"I see. Nice to see you again." Caden gives me a smirk to which I roll my eyes.

"She's a tough one to handle. After you left she decided to take pity on me and sit beside me." He says and I shake my head in disgust.

"Absolutely not true. I just switched into this class and this was the only spot available." I say and he shrugs.

"Whatever floats your boat princess." He says and I groan, laying onto my desk.

"Now back to you Caden. Tell me about your adventures." Isaac and Caden continue to talk until the teacher stands up abruptly and shouts.

"Shut the fuck up you bastards! I'm trying to figure this shit out." It's funny because I swear I think she's holding my test in her hands.

Well, there goes my grades...not like I had any to begin with.


I finally walk out of that terrible classroom and find my boyfriend leaning against the wall by my classroom door.

"Hey girl." He says with a smile and I smile back at him tiredly.

"Hey. Looks like new guy is in my class, and he's friends with the guy who sits beside me and now I've just been listening to everyone shrieking and talking like animals." I groan and lean my head onto his chest.

"Whoa there princess-"

"Don't call me princess." I growl and he steps back with a laugh.

"Okay, Slov." He exaggerates on my nickname and I nod with an encouraging look,"What do you have next? After lunch?"

I grin at the thought of my next class.

"By the look on your face I suppose you have dance?" He says and I nod excitedly.

"But before that, let's stuff our faces!" I exclaim and he laughs along with me.

We both walk towards my locker and I find Caden already there. I almost forgot his locker was right beside mine.

I start with my combination and feel Caden's gaze on me. Once my locker finally opened I could already tell that Caden is smirking.

"Hey princess." He says and I turn to him annoyed. I feel Zeke's eyes on us from the other side of me.

"Don't call me that."

"So Isaac can call you that and I can't." He says and I huff.

"I tried to stop the guy, but he's very persistent on picking the perfect nicknames for people." I tell him and turn back to my locker to get my stuff.

"Ah yes, Isaac is very stern on his nicknames. Guess what my nickname is." He says and I turn to look him up and down.

"Fuckboy?" I ask and I hear Zeke behind me choke. Caden smirks at me and I shrug, "It seems suitable."

"Actually I'm-" he leans close and whispers into my ear, "turn on"

I feel myself grow hot and flustered for some reason. It wasn't even that good of a nickname. He leans back and closes his locker.

"Bye babe!" He shouts with a wave when he's about 2 meters away from me. I look at him curiously until I see Zeke's fingers snap in front of me.

"Looks like you ended up meeting him anyways." Zeke says and I nod.

"I sure did. That guy's weird." I say and he chuckles.

For some reason, I felt like this happened for a reason. I had no intention to meet Caden but it ended up happening anyway. So he had good looks, whatever, it's not like I wanted to date the guy, I have Zeke.

But for some reason a part of me thinks that he's going to have a big permanent spot into my life.

Or maybe a huge smudge.


How was this chapter?

I had fun writing this chapter so I hope y'all had fun reading it. How are the new characters Isaac and Caden? I feel like they would be able to liven up the story. Hope you guys have a great day and stay awesome, LOVE YA :D

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