Chapter 31: Friends

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I wake up on my work table.

All my work sheets were surrounding me, but the surprising thing was that I wasn't the only one sleeping on my desk.

Yes, the one and only Caden was sleeping at the other corner of my table. I bet you expected that, considering we were both working together last night. I was able to finish my assignment and thankfully the due date was tomorrow. This meant that I still had one more night to review and make sure everything was alright.

Not that I could do that anyways since my math skills are at an all time low.

I groan and take a nice stretch. I check the time and there was still an hour before we would leave for school, meaning there was a lot of time to get prepped.

I shake Caden and he makes an annoyed sound, "Wake up asshole, we have to be at school in an hour."

"An hour? You woke me up an hour early?"

"You don't need to go home?"

"Nah, I got all my shit with me." He slowly moves to point to his backpack lying on the floor.

"Okay, I'm going." I start to walk away but he grabs my arm.

"Going where?" He gives me a serious gaze, making me chuckle.

"Chill, I want breakfast." I shake his hand off and snake my hands through my long brown hair. I tie it up and feel Caden's hot gaze on me. I look at the mirror in my room and feel satisfied with my quick ponytail. I also can't help but notice my outfit, with my long t-shirt and tight black shorts that can barely be seen. My lack of clothing was evident but I don't think Caden minds.

Especially since I can feel his heated gaze as he looks me up and down.

I quickly walk out of the room before he can take notice of the blush starting to form in my cheeks.

"Morning." Harper wipes at her eyes as she walk out of her room the same time I do.

"Morning." I grin and give her a bear hug. She starts to laugh and my grin grows wider.

"He's still in there isn't he?" She asks and I nod at her, but then give her a questioning look. "I didn't hear him leave." She clarifies and I nod.

"So...How was last night with Jerryyy." I sing and she starts to blush, I KNEW IT, "Oh my goodness what has he done to you. He must be pretty great to have our very own Harper blush like this." I pinch her cheeks.

"Shut up." She playfully shoves me and my jaw drops.

"Wow, I think this is the first time that you're acting so...feminine."

She gives me a glare and I laugh, "It's your charm Harper." She smiles at that and I decide to walk over to the kitchen. She tails tiredly behind me as we get to work.

We start making coffee for ourselves but I keep glancing at Harper, she starts chuckling at my eagerness and finally starts talking.

"I think I like him Slov." She says shyly and I start squealing, jumping up and down.

This was the first time Harper had started liking someone since her relationship with Max, and I couldn't be more happier. Still, I can't help noting that I can't fully trust Jerry since Max was almost just like him in school. But then again they're two different individuals.

"What made you start liking him?" I ask and she squirms.

"I have to answer that, don't I..." I nod and she sighs, "I think it just happened as time passed by...we started hanging out a lot, more often than I liked, but I guess we just started becoming more closer. I thought we could just be friends but I can't just be friends with him, you know?"

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