Chapter 21: New Beginnings?

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After another school day without seeing Caden, I find myself at McRonalds with Zeke. Ever since he asked me to start over, we decided that we should see each other again.

So here I was. And do I regret it?

Yes. Because our lack of conversation is really bugging me.

We have been sitting face to face in silence for more than 10 minutes now and I was done with it.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" I ask him and he looks at me in surprise. What did he expect? No talking until we felt like leaving?

"I think you're the one who's not talking to me. But it's okay, whatever. I've just been hanging out with my new friends from that class I talked to you about. George, Alex and Josy"

"Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning them. How are they?" I twirl my fry in the ketchup as I stare at Zeke. He seemed a little flustered for some reason and that made me nervous. He's never usually flustered.

"They're great. I mean George is hilarious, he keeps making these stupid jokes that are able to brighten up any guy's day. Alex is just really cool, but kind of creeps me out with the fact that he has a whole stash of drugs with him."

"He's a drug dealer."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it. Or he's obsessed with drugs but that doesn't seem like it because of how mysterious and on top of things he is. Josy is just really sweet and we usually end up talking a lot since the other two usually gets into arguments." He has this dreamy face when he talks about Josy and I immediately decide to call him out on it.

"So Josy...what's she like?" I ask and he glances at me.

"Are you jealous?" Nope.

"Depends. Should I be?" I raise my eyebrows and he looks away from me, "What the hell was that?"

"It's nothing, I swear. I just...ugh, someone just told me that she likes me and I don't know how the hell to react about it."

"Oh. Then just be yourself Zeke, if you don't like her then leave it." I shrug and he squirms.

"But what if I told you that I kind of kissed her. I swear, it was when we ended things and had our little break that weekend."

"What! Zeke! You ended it because you were jealous of Caden and you end up kissing another girl?!" I shout-whisper, knowing I shouldn't bother the people around us.

This situation was honestly ridiculous and I could not believe it was happening. For some reason him saying that he kissed someone else made me a little angered but I shouldn't feel that way since I did the same with someone else. With Caden for goodness sake.

"I'm sorry, I know. I regretted it immediately."

"It's okay, I guess. As long as you still like me and whatever." I sigh and groan in the inside. I wish I could tell him what happened with me but I just can't. He'd go bat shit crazy.

I look at the time and decide to call it a day. I walk out of the restaurant after a tired wave to Zeke. Just as I walk out of McRonalds, however, I end up running into someone.

I step back and look at their face to apologize but of course I knew the person.

It was Caden.

It's been way too long since I saw him.

"Caden." I breathe. Caden's eyes widen when he notices it was me and he quickly grabs my hold of my hands as if on instinct. He almost smiles when we hear shouts behind him.

"Let's go." He says.

And now we're running.

Why is my life so weird?

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