Chapter 46: Gotta LOVE

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"It's been way too long." I say as I give a little dance.

Me, Marlene and Shay were the last ones to leave the dance room, like always, and they both nod towards me.

"I know, this Christmas break was so long. I just wanted to get back on my feet." Shay exclaims while me and Marlene look at her with a funny expression.

"You were looking forward to school?" Marlene gags and I pat her jokingly. Shay rolls her eyes.

"You know what I mean. I missed dancing." She clarifies and we both nod, already knowing that that was what she meant. Shay then gives me a curious look.

"So, how was your Christmas break? I think it was pretty busy." She nudges at me and Marlene gasps as she turns to look at me.

"I almost forgot to ask you." Marlene says and I sigh.

"I'm guessing the whole world knows now?" I ask and they both nod, "Me and Caden are officially dating." I feel myself blush and I put my hands to my cheeks.

"OMAGOSH!" they both exclaim and jump up and down.

Marlene full on somersaults in the air and I look at her in shock. Shay also watches her in shock while Marlene just jumps back towards me. She looks at the both of us, noticing our expressions, and laughs.

"I just felt like I had to." She says and we all laugh.

"How's your guy doing?" I ask Marlene and she waves her hand in the air.

"I don't think we're meant to be. He's off somewhere and I don't know where he's at. If we get back into contact then maybe we could work out." She says with a nod.

"Well, I seriously need to find myself a man. You all be leaving me out." Shay huffs.

"Nah Shay, you don't need no man. You rock by yourself." I say and Shay smirks.

"You know it."

We all turn abruptly when we hear the door swing open. I recognized him immediately, in his sweats and sneakers. He wore on a white shirt with a black jean jacket that fit him almost perfectly. Okay, and why was he wearing some golden wide glasses?

I think he's trying to kill me.

"Holy shit Slov, you snatched a good one." Shay whispers to me as Caden walks over. It was almost as if it were slow motion.

Marlene's jaw drops and I quickly move my hand to push her chin up. Her mouth snaps closed and she looks at me apologetically. I shake my head silently and Caden finally ends up in front of me, with the girls standing on each side of me.

"Hey babe." He says and I choke on air.

"Babe is so overrated." I lean on one leg and he smirks.

"What would you prefer? Princess?" He chuckles and I punch his arm.

"No, that's for Isaac to abuse. How about a nice little, 'hey Slov' or 'hello Slovan'." I say and he grins.

"Hey babe it is." He nods from me to my two friends. He then slowly walks away towards the dance mirrors. I look to my two friends but both Marlene and Shay wave goodbye and quickly run out of the dance room.

Caden, all of a sudden, starts doing these sexy moves. They were very feminine moves as he sticks his butt out and literally drops to the ground. I can't help but laugh at him.

"Holy shit. You should join our female dance team. I think that's their exact routine." I laugh and he gives me a smug look as he continues to twerk.

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