Chapter 23: The Big Bang

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After the dance I make my way to a security guard.

Time to get started.

"Hello sir. I'm feeling unwell," I pretend to be really drunk, which usually seems to work.

The guard looks at me with a little concern and I put my hand on my head and pout.

"You look like a very handsome young man." I come close and lean my head on his chest. My fingers trail up his chest and he seemed surprised.

"My husband cheated on me today." I start to fake sob and the guy just pats my head. Aww, he seems like a nice guy. "Is there a more quiet place to rest?" I ask.

"Yes, there's a room over there. I'll take you." He holds my arm and takes me over to the room. It was definitely empty, meaning it just made my job easier and less awkward.

"Oh sir! You have a nice card!" I grab at the card that was around his neck. I clip it off and jump around with it.

"Sorry miss, I need that card." He runs towards me and I jump away, making him quick to approach again.

"Sorry, I need your heart." I laugh and push him away from me. I literally make no sense, but hey, I'm a drunk girl. I run out of the room and join back into the banquet. People turn to watch the scene and I quickly find Caden to my right.

"Babe!" I fall onto him and quickly slip the key card into his pocket unnoticed.

"Are you alright?" He asks/laughs.

"Yeah yeah." I wave it off and turn to look at the incoming security guard.

"Miss! Where is my card?" He asks and he seemed like he was pleading for it. Sorry man.

I make a shocked face and let my hands move around my body as though I was checking for the card.

"Sorry I must've dropped it." I pout and the officer looked like he was going to piss himself.

"I'm going to the washroom I feel sick." I gag to make it more believable and Caden nods towards me.

"Please, you might vomit on me."

"Fuck you, you cheating bastard." I leave and run over to the washroom.

There were so many girls in here that I had to practically push people over to get into a stall. I quickly put the lid on the toilet seat and sit. I unzip my bag and take my laptop out. After a whole 5 minutes of logging in and finding my way into the camera system, I manage to loop the same footage of the empty hallway and treasure room.

After rechecking the footage and making sure it was all believable I text Caden.

Me: I just barfed

We made sure the text had to be believable if anyone came upon it. I close everything and make sure there was no way anyone could track this laptop. After another 15 minutes I close the laptop and put it back into my purse.

I get up and leave the stall. There was only one other girl in the washroom and she seemed pretty angered.

"god I hate him, I hate him." The girl kept complaining and cursing.

"Are you okay?" I ask and she looks at me with angered eyes. I recognize her immediately from the picture. It was Maria, the wife.

"Oh goodness, Maria, are you okay?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"My husband went to college with your husband." I respond nervously and she nods. I couldn't tell her I was 'friends with her in college.'

"Oh, okay. Well, I found out that my little brother was selling drugs during the party."

I tried to keep a straight face but I end up bursting out laughing, "Sorry that's just a little funny. Did you kick him out or is he still here?"

"You bet I kicked him out." She starts to laugh a little too.

"Well, at least he didn't kill anyone." I say trying to lighten up the mood and she nods.

"Yeah, you seem real nice. I should ask my husband about you." She says and I shake my head violently.

"He doesn't know me, just my husband. I guess he still talks to him but I never really knew of your man either. It was okay for me to come here though, because I love making my husband happy." I tell her and she smiles.

"Let's get out of here. We shouldn't just talk in the bathroom." We both walk out of the washroom and I think I just found myself a new friend.

Even if I was practically robbing her during her wedding.

I find Caden with another bunch of guys and I wave a goodbye to Maria. I head over to Caden and he nods towards me. He brings me close into him with his hand holding my bare back.

"Mission accomplished." He whispers in my ear and I nod with a smile.

"Can we go home now?"

"Yes please." He answers and we start to walk out of the banquet but alarms start ringing throughout the building. Everyone covers their ears and a bunch of random guys start coming from different directions.


Me and Caden give each other an 'Oh shit' look and I notice him grab something from his pocket and put it into his mouth.

An officer heads over to Caden and he pats Caden's outfit to check for anything. Another checks me over and I start to get a little nervous because of my bag with the laptop. The officer finds my laptop and he looks over at me in suspicion.

"I had work to do for tomorrow that I needed to finish. We are heading home now so I could finish it on my desktop. I don't know why you're looking at me like that. What happened?" I ask in fright and he nods. Wow! I should be an actor!

"It's not like she can hack anyway. She's just a girl." Another officer says and I roll my eyes in the inside. Really? You're being sexist now, out of all times? Because guess what douche, don't underestimate the power of a woman since I just got your ass.

The officer passes me back the bag and I take notice of Caden who still has the officer on him.

"What's your name sir?" The officer is asking and I realize that Caden can't really talk with the whatever in his mouth. It's now my part.

"Babe, they said I'm okay to leave. I'll meet you back in the car." I lean over to kiss him and he manages to pass me over the valuable item through our mouths.

Okay, as disgusting as that may sound, the item wasn't even that big so he was able to pass it over easily.

I wave goodbye to him and the officer doesn't even notice anything, he just looks me up and down and gives me a thumbs up.

I giggle and wave a goodbye to him too.

I leave the banquet and I head into his car. I take out the item from my mouth and look at it. It definitely looked pricey because it was just one medium sized diamond. I quickly wipe off all the spit and saliva that was on the diamond and smile at it.

All this work for a pretty diamond.

Caden finally comes in after about 5 minutes and he smiles at me. I gasp as I just realize how I literally just kissed Caden!

"We got it." He says and I smile.

"We did." I give him a high five and we finally leave this place.

If there was one thing I learned it was that, sure, there was a thrill to this, but I definitely am never going to do this shit again.

I fall asleep to the sound of Caden humming.


Pew PEw Pewwww

Okay that's the end of this chapter and lol I know this whole situation was pretty random and I assure you this is all for the best hehe. Kay love you guys :D Stay super awesome:DDDD

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