Chapter 55: ManOMan

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"Let's get into pairs so we can get this done faster. I'll go with Zeke, Slovan with Sean, and lastly George with Alex. I think that's fair." Josy states and we all nod. We begin to stand beside our partners.

Sean smirks at me and I elbow him with a smirk on my own face.

"See you guys later." I say and we all depart in different directions.

I follow Sean as we take the left corner of the area. I can't help but cover my ears from the loud cries/screams coming from different people. The place was crowded and we had to squeeze our way to the end. We both weren't able to find much.

"What exactly are we even looking for?" I ask and he chuckles.

"You were always the clueless one."

"You're so annoying." I say and he smiles innocently.

"Everyone here is probably either visiting or is from the gang. We need to find a gang member and just politely ask them where their den is. I mean that is private information but I think it'll be easy to get it out of them, am I right?" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Let's just hope that George and Alex could figure it out. Since I don't think 'just asking' is going to cut it." I give him a look and he nods.

We both look around and Sean finally spots someone.

"Him! He has the North side tattoo." He points at a guy's neck and I nod. It was some snake and it actually looked pretty cool and badass. I can't help but think about how Caden had actually been a part of their gang at one point.

"Does Caden have one?"

"He removed it." Sean says and I nod in understanding. It's better that way.

"Should you talk to him?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah, I'll be right back. Stay right here." He says with a glare, already knowing that I failed to listen to that instruction last time back at the hotel. I give him a thumbs up and he leaves to go talk to the member.

I turn to the small wrestling stage and watch as two men, seeming like they were around 20-30 years old, attempt to beat each other until one times out.

That's what wrestling is, isn't it?

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." The guy beside me says and I realize that I've said what I was thinking out loud. I seriously need to stop doing that.

I turn to look at the owner of the voice, but he had on a black surgical mask that people usually wear when they're sick. He was also wearing a black baseball cap and some dark loose clothing.

"Are you sick or something?" I ask him but he shakes his head.

"No, I just hate the smell of this place." He says and I take a strong whiff of the place.

"I completely agree with you on that one." It literally smelled like booze and sweat. Nothing pleasing.

"Look at that group of people over there. They seem to be watching you." He hands me over a cup of water and I smile politely.

"Thank you. And why is that?" I slowly sip at the drink and take a glance at the group of men he was talking about. I immediately stop drinking the water when I hear his next comment.

"Probably because you look so beautiful." He says and I shake it off. I mean, I did have to dress up nicely to get the passes earlier. His comment seemed pretty normal, but it still gave me the chills. It was something about the way he said it, it seemed so familiar.

"Oh, thank you. I have a boyfriend, so, yeah." I start to walk away slowly, hoping he'd leave me alone because I can only imagine that this guy was probably some weird pervert.

"Oh really now?" He asks from behind me and I notice that he was following me, "That's too bad."

"Yeah." I was starting to feel a little dizzy and I begin to hear Sean calling out for me.

"Because I seriously think we're fate." My eyes widen as I turn around to face him. I was wobbling but I still managed to turn and recognize his face as my vision slowly blurs.

He removes his mask and has a scary smirk on his face as he already knew that I recognized him.

It was Jackson, the one I was running from just yesterday.

I black out.


I wake up in a dark room.




I shout nervously and start shaking. This can't be happening. What the hell is going on? I slowly begin to remember what happened and gasp. Why did I take a sip of the drink he gave me? Why didn't I just fucking stay in that spot for a few minutes longer?! Sean was literally calling out my name only a few seconds after I had left my spot.

Why did I even talk to that stranger? He was obviously being weird like why would anyone want to talk to me without any other ill intentions. And it was Jackson of all people? Who is he really? He was just supposed to be some weird obsessed stranger.

Was he part of this North gang? Or am I just in the basement of his house so he can try to kill me himself or something. Maybe I'm at the gang's den?

I have no idea.

"HELLO! Where the hell am I?!" I shout and don't hear any response.

Until I heard some mumbling somewhere in front of me.

"Mmmm." The male was struggling to be awake, "Arghhh."

My vision begins to adjust to the darkness of this place. I realize how I am in my own little cage and the mumbling stranger was in a separate cage in front of mine. His shadow was shaking as he begins to cough up random shit.

"You're making a whole lot of noise over there. Are you alright?" I ask, frightened for my life. Am I going to end up hurt just like him? All noise stops from his cell and I notice his shadow sit up in surprise.


I gasp and tears were forming in my eyes,

"Oh my god. Caden!"


How was this chapter y'all. I know this was really short but let's just stop and remember this listen we all learned from this 'Don't take drinks from strangers' Thank you. We finally found Caden! I'm sure you guys missed him, I know I sure did. We had to wait way too many chapters without him. BTW sorry about how I'm not really doing daily updates because I've been pretty busy this whole week and I didn't have enough time to edit and publish these chapters. I'm still trying to get these chapters out so until this whole period of being busy is over, I'll have an irregular publishing schedule. SORRY BUT I'M TRYING!!! SENDING ALL MY LOVE <3

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